In This World You Gonna Have Trouble

8 months ago

Why Is Suffering a Part of Life? - Job 7:1-21 – Part 2

Job lost it all – family, business, health, property – and with all of that he lost all hope. In the 7th Chapter of Job he comes out swinging. He has nothing left to lose so he lays it all on the line before God. His entire life seems futile. He can’t find rest in his sleep. His misery haunts him night and day. The questions about the meaning and purpose of it all rage in his mind to the point where he feels he would be better off dead.

As we go through periods of suffering – times when we experience the worst that life can throw at us – we, too, find ourselves asking questions: Why me, Lord? Why do these things always happen to me? What have I done to deserve this kind of abuse? Are You even there, Lord? While it is possible to know some of the reasons for the suffering, that doesn’t calm the silent storm raging within us. The questions are valid as we see in the life of Job, but finding the answers should not be the ultimate goal. Our hope is not in finding the answers – our hope is in finding Him, Jesus Christ, the Suffering Servant. In Him we gain understanding, love, strength, and the hope to endure and even thrive in the midst of the suffering. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

Excerpt from "Why Do We Suffer?" - a Bible Study which, along with many others, can be seen in full at

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