06/17 Russia in Cuba! / Eagle Pass Alligator! / Puppet Master Escorts Sock Puppet! / An Alex Win!

23 days ago

(Note: The BEST place to watch is always on AMYSEVER.COM)

Peter and James used the NAME of Jesus to heal the cripple. Why aren't we stepping into that same authority?

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Day 169 - June 17th, 2024
2 Kings 25
Psalm 75
Proverbs 19:4-5
Acts 3

How to change it so that it is current with my training: When you open it, it will automatically put Genesis 1 on today’s date. Scroll across until you reach the correct day of the year (ex: Day 1 – Day 365). Now, just check off all the scriptures for the previous day.
And then, go to the upper right menu, click on "Catch me up", then "Shift Dates Forward". And you’re ready to go!

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"The True Power of Communion" : https://rumble.com/v1kxrxl-0916-special-edition-the-true-power-of-communion.html

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