The Absolute Best Way to Own Gold | The Gold Standard 2424

8 days ago

Welcome to the latest episode of The Gold Standard, the video podcast dedicated to informing you about the threats to your spending power and the strategies to safeguard your wealth through precious metals. Jennifer Horn sits down with Ken Russo to delve into one of the most pressing questions for investors: “What is the Absolute Best Way to Own Gold?” Join Jen and Ken as they explore the various methods of owning gold, weigh their pros and cons, and provide expert insights to help you make the best choice for your financial future. They also touch on the historical significance of the Nixon Shock, which transformed our gold-backed dollar into a credit dollar supported by debt.

“Our gold dollar became a credit dollar backed by debt.
The whole world is on a fiat system.”
—Ken Russo

Our Growing National Debt Crisis

Our national debt has reached an unprecedented $34 trillion, a staggering figure with far-reaching implications for both the government and its citizens. As the debt-to-GDP ratio climbs, the nation’s ability to repay this debt becomes less likely. In recent years, the situation has grown increasingly dire, with quarterly debt service payments now surpassing $1 trillion. This situation, as highlighted by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, is alarming. Unlike past periods of high debt driven by emergencies such as wars or economic crises, today’s debt surge is also fueled by an aging population, escalating healthcare costs, and an inadequate tax system. The psychological aspect of money cannot be ignored either. When there is risk in US debt, traders and investors seek security in more stable assets.

The Risks of Holding onto Paper Currency

Holding onto paper currency is not a good idea due to inflation and economic instability. As inflation rises, the purchasing power of paper currency diminishes. The same amount of money buys fewer goods and services over time. This devaluation erodes savings and significantly impacts your financial security. Paper currency is susceptible to geopolitical uncertainties and monetary policies that can further devalue it. Unlike tangible assets such as gold, paper money does not offer a hedge against these economic threats, making it an unreliable store of value.

Why Own Gold?

Owning gold is a prudent decision for several compelling reasons. First, gold serves as a robust hedge against inflation, protecting your wealth from the devaluation of currency that erodes purchasing power over time. In times of geopolitical strife and conflict, gold’s value typically rises as it is viewed as a safe-haven asset. The instability within our fractional reserve banking system, which is teetering on the brink of insolvency, underscores the importance of diversifying into gold. With 63 banks currently on the FDIC’s list of at-risk institutions, the security of traditional banking is increasingly questionable. Gold provides a stable and reliable store of value amidst these economic and geopolitical uncertainties.

Various Ways to Own Gold

Gold has been a cherished investment for thousands of years. There are good reasons for this. Its enduring value, rarity, and hedge against economic instability and inflation make it a reliable store of wealth.

Gold options like Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and mutual funds track the market price of gold, allowing investors to benefit from gold’s price movements without dealing with physical storage. Investing in gold futures and options provides leverage, but comes with higher risk and complexity. Investing in gold mining shares is another popular method, as these companies often see their stock prices rise with increasing gold prices. This approach combines exposure to gold with the potential for dividends and growth associated with successful mining operations. But it can be tricky, and you have to do your homework. Although investors have multiple options for adding gold to their portfolios, the absolute best way is to own physical gold, in the form of coins or bullion bars. Physical gold offers the tangible satisfaction of holding a valuable asset.

Jennifer Horn and Ken Russo provide invaluable insights into why gold remains a steadfast investment choice amidst economic instability, inflation, and geopolitical tensions. Whether you’re new to investing in gold or looking to diversify your portfolio, The Gold Standard offers valuable insights and expert opinions to help you make informed decisions. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more episodes packed with financial wisdom and strategies to safeguard your financial future.

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