6 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
https://444prophecynews.com/finish-your-plights-roxanne/ Acts 17:11
11Now these people were more noble and open-minded than those in Thessalonica, so they received the message [of salvation through faith in the Christ] with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

My children Seek comfort where there is no comfort. My children disregard their calling, therefore powerless in their walks. This is why.
Come to me, sit at my feet and I will give you spiritual rest. You will not find this in the world. Anything you use to comfort yourselves will only be temporary, adding to your frustration.

My children, a time has come upon you like no other. Do you feel it? Darkness envelopes the Earth like a glove, but, yes, you are my lights in the darkness, you, yes, you are my wise Virgin. Do you now understand why you all need extra oil for your final journeys.

I had to give Satan his just dues, since he is justified in his accusations. I cannot go against my word, I am just, fair and holy. I have allowed Satan and his angels a time to do his will and spread his message. Remember, nothing happens without my knowledge, without my hand in it or upon it.

Do not fear any of this. I have well equipped each of you. Where you are weak, confess it and ask for more from me. I did not place you here or put you in a place of failure. NO NOT SO!!! My son fulfilled not only the law, but, he conquered hell and death end they would no longer be your end. Without his sacrifice it would have been. Do you see it?

I love each and every one of you. Many whine and cry, feeling dreadful and blue. This is not you. I created you to be Victorious. This is not done on your own or by your own strength. Ask for what you want. Tell me what you need. Let us reason together.

You are more than conquerors. More than – trust this – trust my word, trust me. I am the Holy Savior.
Do not despair any longer.

As the enemy closes in this will force each man to choose life or sadly, death. Share me, share the good news. Spread your hope and joy. This is a time for my children to shine. New bodies – miracles – healing – Your bodies will feel 18 again. Your work will be physically effortless. Some may choose to come home and that is OK too.

(WFA note- In my spirit, he is asking for more. Even though some have completed their plights, HE is asking for more if those who have are willing to go on, while others may be finished, praying to go home. He is ok with that request.) I hear your prayers, all of them.

Finish your plights, take your mantles, keep your armor on at all times. Why would you ever remove it in this climate? Close all doors the enemy has entered,(sin) toss him out on his head, put him in chains under lock and key.

I did not bring you here to fail. Quite the opposite. I brought you here to shine as my servants and friends.

Shalom – peace to you –
The Most High

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