The Fifth Column's presentation at the Vallecas Book Fair, Madrid, May 18, 2024.

1 month ago

🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - La Quinta Columna’s presentation at the Vallecas Book Fair, Madrid, May 18, 2024.

The Fifth Column widely explained to everyone the false pandemic that THEY orchestrated and the intentionality of taking us towards transhumanism as a species.

"A well summarised hour of this whole macabre operation, where we point out those who have carried out this farce, and the way they are trying to take us to achieve their goal"

Translation made with all human affection by the translation team of La Quinta Columna.

"We strongly request you share this video, so that it reaches the maximum number of human beings possible, and it can be known what is really happening"

▪️Link to the original version in Spanish:

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