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15 seconds

The Venus Twins Extra-terrestrial contactees, primarily with the Andromedan Council of 9


  • 0/2000
  • With whatever is in the various vaccines, it seems to depend on how healthy a person is before they show any reactions. It took well over a year and a half for me to get bels palsy from the last tetanus shot I recieved. I questioned the doctor before getting the shot, who told me it was just for tetanus. They gave me a reminder card afterwards which showed the supposed tetanus shot also was for measles and diphtheria. I have refused any of their shots ever since. I've had to spend more than 3 weeks in a major hospital during the lock downs here in Edmonton, Alberta where I was generally treated well but I had a few hold outs who didn't want to be around me because I refused to take their shots. Even had a doctor visit me for 7 days in a row trying to convince me to take the shots. My own doctor had already failed at that. He quit bugging me after i told him I knew that the agenda was genocide. They have never shown a sample for any virus, as they are not real. it's been a scam all along.....

  • you have the most interesting and helpful shows-thank you!

  • Yes Yeshua/Jesus is a Venusian!

  • Awesome show!

  • I was calling people sheeple back in the 1970's cause I could see how people were just following whatever system they are using to control people. It's near impossible to break through the system. It needs to be stopped.... Thanks for the show, very interesting stuff. I'll have to go deeper into my Reiki information.....


  • My website is www.lisamindset.com The Venus Twins are https://www.wisdomhealing.com.au/

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  • When I was 17 (1968) our church youth group spent our weekends traveling to different 'Holi Roller' 😏 churches sharing our testimonies 🤷‍♀️ where 'come to Jesus' isle calls occurred in every service, laying-on-of-hands / calling upon Holi Spirit to heal was the norm ... we knew it worked even though we didn't have a microscope to prove it 🙏🏼😇 Creator's blessings dear sisters and brothers ♥️🙏🏼 🥰 Love & Light 🥰

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  • Much love to all, Spiritual Warriors United

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  • where are the links ? no discription box to be found

  • What are you looking for?