Failed Home Invasion 2010

6 months ago

This is the 2010 home break-in case where the police refused to put out the video via official media, despite the homeowners request. (It was HIS video of the thugs trying to break in with guns drawn.)

Guess who posted that video and story. Yup. Good ole Hale Multimedia / The Scanner.

Guess who was arrested within 48 hours of the high school showing our posted video. Yup. The 308 gangsta got busted. Went to jail and got out with a slap on the hand.

Despite the inept prosecutor and some judges who seem to go light on everyone, we still to this day vow to bring justice where it is due.

Awareness is the key to a safe and happy community. Keep the community in the dark, and your police work will suffer. That includes the fire department and all administrations as well.

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