RT News - June 17 2024 Late (NATO readies for nuclear war with Russia?)

3 months ago

President Putin is set to visit North Korea and has been invited by Pres. Kim Jong-Un; he is going tomorrow 18th June and will also visit Hanoi in Vietnam and the discussions will be about trade, scientific and cultural cooperation. (see article below for more details)

NATO is ramping up it's nuclear arsenal and Press Sec. Dmitry Peskov says this is an escalation of tension. Steve Sweeney discusses with Rachel Ruble. (I have a Q - when are the people who have to pay for all this going to be consulted to see what WE want? This is the report Steve was talking about https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/role-nuclear-weapons-grows-geopolitical-relations-deteriorate-new-sipri-yearbook-out-now)
Israeli Pres. Netanyahu has dissolved the war cabinet following the resignation of Benny Gantz. Maria Finoshina explains what this all means. The days of Netanyahu are likely over and this could mean he is up for court as soon as elections are held. Nikki speaks with Yoav Haifawi, a Palestinian human rights activist.

More than 500 civilians have died in the West Bank in the past 8 months. Nikki describes how a Palestinian body is shifted by the IDF using a bulldozer (ugh) three more were killed in the IDF raid. The mother of one of the victims speaks and asks who will care for us?
Nikki presents more information about the "peace summit" communique, which was held in Switzerland at the weekend.
In the Czech Republic, a soldier has died after a blast in a military training area; eight more were injured.
The special military operation continues on Donetsk front lines. Igor Zhdanov reports from the ground.
Short take: NATO considers placing its nuclear arsenal in a state of combat readiness - citing a threat from Russia and China, while Moscow labels the move a further escalation of tensions. The Israeli Prime Minister dissolves his war cabinet after a coalition member calls it quits. This as protesters demand the government resign, and opposition parties slam Benjamin Netanyahu. As the Russian army advances through the Kharkov region, UAV operators from the Akhmat battalion play a crucial role in the operations. Our correspondent reports from the scene.


NATO chief saber-rattling with nuclear weapons – Kremlin 17 Jun, 2024 12:37

The suggestion that more warheads should be put on standby is an example of double standards, Dmitry Peskov has said.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is fueling tensions with Russia with his revelation that the US-led military bloc is considering putting more nuclear weapons on standby, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

Consultations between member nations on moving some warheads from stockpile to combat readiness are ongoing, the NATO chief told The Telegraph on Sunday. He said the bloc may soon “face something that it has never faced before, and that is two nuclear-powered potential adversaries – China and Russia” and therefore needs to send the foes a message.

Peskov on Monday suggested that Stoltenberg was using a double standard, since the NATO chief had previously accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of “nuclear sabre rattling” for mentioning his country’s nuclear arsenal publicly. However, Putin “does not make such remarks on his own volition,” but only when asked directly by journalists, his press secretary claimed.

Stoltenberg’s remarks also seem to clash with the joint declaration signed this past weekend at the so-called “peace summit” convened in Switzerland on Kiev’s behalf, Peskov added. He said: “This is nothing but the latest move to fuel tensions.” The document emerging from the gathering states that “any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is inadmissible.”

Putin addressed the issue during a meeting with foreign media earlier this month. He said he believed nuclear-armed nations should abstain from issuing nuclear threats, but said that Western nations delude themselves if they expect Russia not to follow its own nuclear doctrine.

“If someone’s actions pose a threat to our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider ourselves in the right to use all means at our disposal,” he said. “This issue must not be treated lightly.”

Stoltenberg claimed that NATO’s aim is “a world without nuclear weapons” but said the current status will not change “because a world where Russia, China and North Korea have nuclear weapons, and NATO does not, is a more dangerous world.”

Russia could consider changing nuclear doctrine 11 Jun, 2024 18:35

Actions of the US and its allies could prompt Russia to amend its nuclear posture, Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov said.

Russia could potentially make changes to its nuclear doctrine should the “escalatory actions” by the US and its allies push it into doing so, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a BRICS ministerial meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Ryabkov admitted the international situation has been getting increasingly “complicated” and changes to his country’s nuclear posture could not be ruled out.

“The challenges that are growing thanks to the unacceptable and escalatory actions of the US and its NATO allies undoubtedly prompt a full-fledged question of how the basic documents in nuclear deterrence can be brought more into line with current needs,” Ryabkov said.

The diplomat refused to elaborate on the exact nature of the potential amendments, explaining that Moscow does not have a “practice of covering in advance what kind of changes can be made” before actual decisions are taken.

The remarks come shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin again reiterated Moscow’s stance on nuclear weapons as a last-resort option. Speaking during a question-and-answer panel at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) last week, the president stressed that Russia has never been the first to resort to aggressive nuclear rhetoric.

The nation’s current nuclear doctrine allows the use of atomic weapons only in “exceptional cases” and the current situation does not actually qualify as such, Putin explained. The president expressed hopes an all-out nuclear war will not break out, adding that such a conflict would result in “infinite casualties” for everyone.

The president also cautioned European NATO nations against increasingly belligerent rhetoric and actions, suggesting they are bound to suffer the most in case of a global nuclear conflict, arguing that the US will not actually help them.

“The Europeans have to think: if those with whom we exchange such [nuclear] blows are obliterated, would the Americans get involved in such an exchange, on the level of strategic weapons, or not? I very much doubt it,” Putin stated.

17 Jun, 2024 10:52

Russia’s next peace offer could come with ‘tougher terms’ for Kiev – intel chief 17 Jun, 2024 10:52

Ukraine should seriously consider President Vladimir Putin’s latest proposal to end the conflict, SVR head Sergey Naryshkin has said.

Ukraine’s refusal to accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest proposal to end the conflict will result in Moscow placing tougher conditions on any potential peace talks next time around, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, has said.

Last Friday, Putin signalled that Russia could order a ceasefire and start negotiations as soon as Kiev completely withdraws its troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions. He also noted that a lasting peace could be achieved if Ukraine commits to neutral status and cedes its claims to all five former Ukrainian regions that chose to join Russia, including Crimea. All of these terms along with several others should be recognized at the international level and followed by the removal of Western sanctions on Russia, the president said.

Both Kiev and NATO dismissed the offer. Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky, who previously insisted on the withdrawal of Russian troops to the 1991 Ukrainian borders as a precondition for peace talks, called Putin’s overture an “ultimatum.”

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Naryshkin signaled that Kiev would be better off accepting Putin’s offer now.

“The next terms under which a cease-fire can be achieved and some kind of peace agreement signed will be tougher with regard to Ukraine,” he warned.

A similar warning was earlier voiced by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Commenting on Putin’s reaction to Kiev’s refusal to accept his latest offer, he said the Russian president considered it “quite predictable,” but noted that “even in the Kiev regime, there will be people who will start weighing whether it’s worth to wait for the terms to worsen even further.”

Speaking to reporters at the Swiss-hosted ‘peace conference’ on Sunday, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Kiev is largely prepared to negotiate with Russia, but only when it is at its “strongest” bargaining position.

Russia was not invited to the Swiss-hosted event, describing it as meaningless due to its exclusive focus on Kiev’s demands. Out of 92 countries attending the talks, 78 signed its final communique, while some others argued that no meaningful progress with regard to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict could come without Russia’s participation.


Prisoners drafted into Ukrainian military ‘will run like Forrest Gump’ – official to WaPo 17 Jun, 2024 10:03

Almost 3,000 former inmates have joined Kiev’s military amid recruitment struggles.

More than 2,750 convicts have been released from prison to join the Ukrainian military and help ease manpower shortages, the Washington Post reported on Sunday. Some service members, however, have voiced concerns about the reliability of former inmates.

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky last month approved a bill that allows certain categories of convicts to be paroled if they agree to enlist in the military and fight Russia. Former inmates will be assigned to special high-risk assault units, although anyone convicted of crimes such as murdering more than two people, rape, terrorism, corruption, or undermining Ukraine’s national security, is ineligible for the program.

According to the Washington Post, many of the convicts joining the fight were “jailed for dealing drugs, stealing phones, and committing armed assaults and murders.” Ukrainian Justice Minister Denis Malyuska insisted to the newspaper that “the motivation of our inmates is stronger than our ordinary soldiers,” arguing that they are enlisting not only to be released, but also because they “want to protect their country and they want to turn the page.”

The minister also claimed there is “competition between military commanders” to recruit from prisons as they want to address manpower shortages.

Some disagree, however, and one unnamed official expressed concern about possible desertion by former inmates. “They’re all going to run like Forrest Gump,” he stated, adding that despite these misgivings, the measure is still necessary.

The official noted that he would prefer to see Ukraine lower the draft age to 18, which he said would allow Kiev to fill the ranks with young and fit soldiers, rather than convicts. He admitted, however, that this measure is unlikely anytime soon.

Malyuska said he expects at least 4,000 men to join the military in the first stage of recruitment. In May, he estimated the total number of convicts ready to enlist at between 10,000 to 20,000. However, the Strana.ua outlet cast doubt on those figures, pointing out that there are a total of 28,000 inmates in Ukraine, including women and those unfit for service. The outlet also claimed, citing its own poll, that very few are actually willing to volunteer.


Details of Putin’s upcoming visit to North Korea revealed 17 Jun, 2024 15:08

The Russian president will travel to Pyongyang on Tuesday on the personal invitation of Kim Jong-un.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to North Korea on Tuesday and will stay for one night, the Kremlin announced on Monday.

The trip will mark the first time Putin has visited the country since 2000, when he met with Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

A senior foreign policy aide to the Russian president, Yuri Ushakov, has outlined some of the details of the upcoming trip, stating that Putin will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, Transport Minister Roman Starovoyt, Roscosmos chief Yuri Borisov, and Russian Railway head Oleg Belozyorov, among others.

The two sides are expected to sign a number of documents during the visit, according to Ushakov, including a potential comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. The Russian delegation will also engage in extensive talks with its North Korean counterpart on a number of issues, including bilateral relations, the economy, security, and international cooperation.

Putin is also expected to attend a state concert being held in honor of his visit and hold informal talks with Kim.

“The relationship between the Russian Federation and the DPRK is friendly and good-neighborly,” Ushakov said, emphasizing that they are built on “the principles of equality and respect for sovereignty.”

Kim Jong-un invited Putin to visit North Korea while on a visit to the Russian Far East in September 2023, where he met the Russian president.

In January, Pyongyang extended an official invitation to Putin, calling him “the closest friend of the Korean people” and stating that the republic would warmly welcome the Russian leader with “all its heart.”

When Putin’s potential visit was initially announced, Japan, South Korea and the US, who have voiced concern over the growing ties between Moscow and Pyongyang, stated that they would be “closely monitoring” the situation and would respond decisively to any provocations by the North.

Meanwhile, China has publicly supported the strengthening of friendly relations between Russia and North Korea. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said last week that China “welcomes the fact that Russia is strengthening and developing traditional friendly relations with relevant countries” and noted that Beijing also maintains good neighborly ties with Pyongyang.


Russia will demand compensation for sanctions – Medvedev 17 Jun, 2024 13:12

The deputy chair of the Russian Security Council has urged other nations targeted by Western economic restrictions to do the same

Russia will assess the damage done to its economy by Western sanctions and demand restitution at some point down the road, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

Commenting on the latest batch of restrictions imposed on Moscow by Washington last week, the official, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, claimed that the West is waging a “war without rules” on Russia.

The US has sanctioned more than 4,000 Russian individuals and companies since February 2022, when the Ukraine conflict began. The EU, UK, Canada, Japan, and several other nations have also imposed similar restrictions on Russia.

On Monday, Medvedev said that Moscow was going to “be evaluating [the damage done] so as to be able to demand [compensation from] the countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia.”

He suggested that “one could start systematizing and evaluating the damage done to countries [that have] suffered from sanctions adopted in circumvention of the UN Security Council.” The former Russian head of state added that quite a significant number of nations would be subject to potential claims and that a “register of losses inflicted by crimes of the colonial epoch and neo-colonialism” would likely be necessary to get this process off the ground.

Medvedev stressed the importance of “seeking justice from former colonial powers.”

Last week, the deputy chair of the Security Council argued that Moscow should exploit every weakness of the US and its allies to inflict “maximum damage” on them. Reacting to the sanctions announced by the US Departments of State and Treasury last Wednesday, Medvedev insisted that Russia should retaliate in every possible way instead of just ignoring the Western punitive measures.

The latest sanctions target 300 additional individuals and entities in Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Türkiye, including those in the energy, metals and mining, and financial sectors. According to the US authorities, the measures are intended to sever the “remaining avenues for international materials and equipment… from third countries.”

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen explained that Washington was thus “increasing the risk for financial institutions dealing with Russia’s war economy and eliminating paths for evasion.”

Estimated by the Department of the Treasury to impact more than $100 million in trade between Russia and its foreign partners, the latest US sanctions package is one of the largest since the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict.

The measures compelled the Moscow Exchange to suspend all trade in the US dollar and euro last week.


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