320,000 Ghost Voters Identified in Must-Win State of Michigan

22 days ago

With the Soros-backed Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson at the helm, who is arguably the dirtiest Secretary of State in the nation, Michigan could easily become the blueprint for other states on how to steal elections effectively.
While Democrats used every dirty trick in the book to prevent their opponents from watching them steal the election in 2020, the GOP and Independent poll challengers were able to identify the biggest fraud taking place in plain sight—dirty voter rolls, courtesy of MI SOS Jocelyn Benson.
Ghost voters are shadows who linger on the voter rolls after their original registrants have moved on. Often, the original registrants relocated out of state died or were automatically re-registered with a duplicate identification number, thanks to Michigan’s new automatic voter registration law or the President or Governor’s Executive Order commanding untold agencies to register all their constituents.
Much like residents in the state of Michigan, the third-world country of Zimbabwe has been dealing with dirty elections for decades, including under the leadership of Zimbabwe’s thug President Robert Mugabe, and still today.
One has to wonder if MI has taken a page from Zimbabwe’s playbook when, in 2008, officials in Zimbabwe’s elections were accused of bloating the voter rolls with non-existent voters, who would turn into “voters” in the final tallies of their election.

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