Baby elephant gets into awkward position on tree trunk

3 months ago

The video shows the hilariously awkward manner in which a baby elephant attempted to climb over a fallen tree trunk.
Watching baby elephants in the wild is always a great treat. The youngsters are still learning to go about and handle the everyday challenges that awaits them in the African bush. During a safari in the Kruger National Park, we watched a small herd of elephants making their way through some thick bush. I noticed a fallen tree trunk lying in their way. The adult elephants didn’t even bother with the fallen tree blocking their way and ever so easy just sidestepped the fallen tree to continue their journey. Not the baby elephant in this video. This little elephant decided it would rather climb over the fallen tree instead of walking around it like the rest of the herd. This decision had hilarious repercussions, well hilarious for those watching. The young elephant started with the front legs and at one stage it looked like the baby elephant was going to get itself stuck in a real awkward position on the fallen tree. To our amusement, this little elephant was determined, and after a short break it continued with the back legs and finally got over the fallen tree lying in its way. While walking around it was the easiest option, this little elephant made for entertaining viewing by choosing the difficult option.

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