#184 The 2024 Regular Legislative Session in Review Pt. 2

8 months ago

Chris and Danielle continue to discuss what has been going on with legislative events in this year’s Regular Session. What bills seemingly refused to die? And how can people help make sure they stay gone?


Matthew 6:31-34 TPT


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Danielle contemplates the wisdom found in today’s scripture (03:03)
The challenges against personal liberty (09:25)
Protecting 1st Amendment rights (12:54)
A much-appreciated end to a bad bill (16:33)
Helping against non-competes (21:10)
Uncertain tides with HB 800 (23:38)
Disenchanted with SB 221’s reception (29:40)
Updating speed camera restrictions (33:38)
Mixed feelings (36:21)
Unanimous support for HB 103 (43:47)
State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (45:54)


Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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