RT News - June 17 2024 (early - the "peace summit" analysis)

9 days ago

The "peace summit" in Switzerland has come to a close, with Russia not being invited. Russia did outline it's negotiating points for peace last week when Pres. Putin addressed the Foreign Ministers (see previous posts for video of meeting and write up). 78 of the 92 states which attended signed off and then Iraq and Jordan pulled their names from the communique. Rachel Ruble reports. The attempts to get the global south on-board have fallen short.

More than half of the countries who were invited didn't even turn up to the "summit", President Biden sent Kamala Harris (who read from a script and then left early) as he had a previous engagement. Rachel Marsden reports. (me - I wonder how much the whole delegations to the summit cost the taxpayers of the countries who attended? We're all taxpayers, even little kids; many countries, including UK generating about a third of tax revenues from VAT which is on everything).

John Kavulich attended the summit and talks about what he observed. South Africa wasn't even allowed to speak the the summit. Noluvuyo Kunge says this was no coincidence. A really twisted speech was made by Italy's FM Ignazio Cassis.
Kamala Harris says "Ukraine is not a charity and the money is given for US strategic interests" - see tweet https://twitter.com/VP/status/1802140350909206668
Igor Zhdanov reports from the front lines and talks about UAVs, drones and other "modern weapons" and talks with soldiers using them to help them fight in the west's proxy war against them, being fought in Ukraine.
Updates on Gaza - warning disturbing images (horrible images) including how a bulldozer was used to dump a dead Palestinian's body. A Palestinian lady asks why nobody is coming to help them.

Rachel presents the current (awful) statistics about Palestinians held in Israeli jails. Anyone who is politically active in Palestine is targeted. Even children are held with no charges.
Short take: 14 countries refuse to sign off on final declarations from the so-called Ukrainian 'Peace summit' in Switzerland - the vast majority from the Global South. As the Russian army advances through the Kharkov region, UAV operators from the Akhmat battalion play a crucial role in the operations. An IDF bulldozer dumps the body of a Palestinian man, killed during an Israeli raid on the West Bank. His mother speaks to RT.


Signatures of two states ‘disappear’ from Zelensky’s ‘peace conference’ declaration 17 Jun, 2024 06:46

Jordan and Iraq are not listed in the final copy of the document published by the Swiss organizers of the event.

The signatures of Jordan and Iraq have disappeared from the final communique of the Swiss-hosted Ukraine ‘peace conference’, according to the latest copy of the document posted on the Swiss Foreign Ministry website.

While Baghdad and Amman have not provided any official explanations so far, multiple media outlets reported on Sunday that the countries had withdrawn their signatures.

Out of 92 countries represented at the proceedings, only 78 signed the communique, with Kosovo listed as an independent state. Serbia and a number of countries, including Russia and China, still consider Kosovo Serbian territory.

Some members of the BRICS group attended the conference, but none of them signed the document. Despite being party to the conflict, Moscow was not invited to the event at the Swiss Burgenstock Resort. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the summit an attempt by the West to distract attention away from the root causes of the Ukraine conflict.

According to the document, the talks and the resulting communique were “based on Ukraine’s peace formula” and “other peace proposals which are in line with international law.” The signatories agreed on their “commitment to refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine.”

In addition, the document called for the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to be returned to Ukrainian control, full access for Ukraine to Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports, and the release of all prisoners of war.

After the event concluded on Sunday, some international media outlets began reporting that the ‘peace summit’ failed to convince major non-aligned states to sign on to the declarations in the document.

“A decision by China to stay away all but assured that the summit would fail to achieve Ukraine’s goal of persuading major countries from the ‘Global South’ to join in isolating Russia,” Reuters said in an article on Monday, noting that no country has come forward to host a follow-up conference.

“The challenge was to talk tough on Russia but open the door for it to join a peace initiative,” AP wrote on Sunday.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is willing to order a ceasefire and begin negotiations “the minute” that Kiev fulfils several conditions. Among the main points, Putin stated that Kiev must cede all five former Ukrainian regions that voted in referendums to join Russia, including Crimea, pull out all Ukrainian troops in these territories, and officially abandon its bid to join NATO.


‘Zelensky regime’ incapable of negotiating – Moscow 17 Jun, 2024 06:55

Kiev has proven to be inconsistent when it comes to conducting peace talks, Russia’s ambassador to the UN has said.

Ukraine has repeatedly shown that it is untrustworthy when it comes to peace negotiations, despite Russia’s numerous attempts to resolve the conflict with Kiev diplomatically, Moscow’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, has said.

In an interview with RIA Novosti on Monday, the diplomat noted that Moscow has consistently expressed readiness for dialogue, stressing that these initiatives are not just “statements of a declarative nature.”

“In April 2022, our negotiators initialled the Istanbul Agreements. They were also signed by the heads of the Ukrainian delegation,” Nebenzia recalled, referring to the peace deal almost concluded between Russia and Ukraine in the early stages of the conflict.

Under the conditions of the deal brokered by Türkiye, which Kiev later abandoned, allegedly under British pressure, Ukraine would commit to neutrality in exchange for international security guarantees.

According to Nebenzia, a quick peace settlement did not sit well with “Kiev’s Anglo-Saxon sponsors,” so they did everything to prevent it.

“Everyone saw the interview with the leader of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovnaya Rada, David Arakhamia, who headed the Ukrainian delegation in Istanbul,” Nebenzia continued. “He directly said that everything was ready, but [then UK Prime Minister] Boris Johnson came and said that it was necessary to continue to fight,” the diplomat added, claiming that the story of Johnson’s “voyage” to Ukraine is well known.

“The only logical conclusion that we made as a result is that the Zelensky regime is incapable of negotiations,” he stressed.

Nebenzia also pointed out that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky last year signed a decree formally banning any talks with the current Russian leadership, further questioning the possibility of reaching an agreement without a dialogue.

“Such blatant inconsistency is the hallmark of Kiev’s entire foreign policy,” he argued.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signalled that the Kremlin is ready to start negotiations as soon as Kiev withdraws its forces from the four regions which joined Russia after referendums in 2022.

The proposal was flatly rejected by Kiev and its Western backers, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who dismissed it as “not serious.”

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba acknowledged on Sunday that Kiev will eventually have to sit at the negotiating table with Russia, but only after it has reinforced its bargaining position. His comments came at the conclusion of a Western-backed ‘peace conference’ in Switzerland, where over a dozen participants declined to sign the final communique.


NATO state’s president calls for ‘decolonization’ of Russia 17 Jun, 2024 01:53

Poland’s Andrzej Duda has suggested that different ethnic groups should revolt against Moscow’s rule.

Polish President Andrzej Duda has called for the “decolonization” of Russia, claiming that ethnic minorities should break away from Moscow’s rule and form their own states.

Russia is one of the most diverse countries in the world and comprises over 190 ethnic groups that speak more than 270 languages and dialects, according to the government.

Speaking at the so-called “Peace for Ukraine” conference in Switzerland on Sunday, Duda described Russia as a “prison of nations.” The country is “home to almost 200 ethnic groups,” which “became the residents of Russia as a result of methods used in Ukraine today,” the Polish leader claimed, referring to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

“Russia remains the largest colonial empire in the world, which, unlike European powers, has never undergone the process of decolonization and has never been able to deal with demons of its past,” Duda stated. “As a member of the international community, we have to finally say – there is no [space] for colonialism in the modern world.”

Poland has been one of the most vocal proponents of aid to Ukraine since Russia launched its military operation in the neighbouring state. According to the Polish media, Duda’s main mission in Switzerland was to “highlight the scale of the Russian threat.”

Earlier this year, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk suggested his country’s readiness to potentially host US nuclear weapons, which Moscow called a “provocation” and “deeply hostile policy.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that Moscow has no intention of attacking NATO members and has dismissed claims to the contrary as scare tactics.

In August 2023, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote an op-ed for the Izvestia newspaper, condemning “the crimes of colonialism” committed by the West and arguing that Western overseas possessions, such as France’s New Caledonia, Britain’s Gibraltar, and US’ Guam, are modern-day “colonies.” She insisted that “the free world will undoubtedly win, and the process of decolonization will be completed.”


Ukraine wants Russia to join peace talks 17 Jun, 2024 01:31

Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has acknowledged that Moscow will eventually have to be involved in negotiations.

Ukraine is prepared to negotiate with Russia but only when Kiev has a stronger bargaining position, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told journalists at the Swiss-hosted ‘peace conference’ on Sunday.

Speaking to the press at the Alpine resort of Burgenstock on the second day of the two-day event, Kuleba acknowledged that both sides of the Ukraine conflict will have to negotiate at some point to reach a definitive peace.

“The idea is that the next summit should be the end of the war. And, of course, we need the other side at the negotiating table as well,” he said.

“It is obvious that both sides are needed to end the war, our job is to ensure that Ukraine is in the strongest position at that time,” Kiev’s top diplomat stated. He claimed that Ukraine understands “perfectly well that the moment will come when it will be necessary to talk to Russia.”

Russia was not invited to the Swiss-hosted event, and described the conference as meaningless, given the unwillingness of Kiev and its Western backers to consider Moscow’s terms. The summit was largely based around Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s proposed ten-point ‘peace formula,’ which Moscow has firmly rejected. Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced his terms for a ceasefire on Friday, conditions which Kiev and the West have roundly dismissed.

Speaking to reporters, Kuleba noted that some countries outside Europe and North America have a different view of the conflict. “Yesterday there were voices from the Global South about difficult compromises that need to be made. This is not the language we hear from Western partners,” he admitted.

Out of 92 countries represented at the summit, 78 left their signatures on the final communique, according to a list published by the Swiss Foreign Affairs Department. Several attendees argued that Russia should have been present at the negotiating table.

Any meaningful progress towards peace will require “Russia’s participation,” as well as “difficult compromise” between the parties, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said. Saudi Arabia did not sign the final communique.

Türkiye, meanwhile, reiterated its readiness to host peace talks, as it did in spring 2022 when Russia and Ukraine failed to reach an agreement. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan warned that the hostilities could escalate and potentially trigger a global nuclear conflict. That is why the “Ukrainian peace plan,” as well as Russia’s recently reiterated terms, are “important steps” and a “glimpse of hope” that could eventually end the bloodshed, Fidan said.


German MP wants Ukrainian men to return home and fight 16 Jun, 2024 23:59

Berlin’s generous welfare benefits undermine Kiev’s war effort, a senior MP has said.

The German government should stop providing social benefits to Ukrainians, senior MP Thorsten Frei said on Sunday. He argued that the move would incentivize Ukrainian men to return to their home country and join the army amid the conflict with Russia.

Frei, the deputy head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the Bundestag, accused Ukrainians of fleeing to Germany in order to avoid mobilization at home.

“While everything is at stake for Kiev in the face of the brutal Russian attack, many Ukrainians in this country who are able to defend [their homeland] are ducking out of it,” Frei told Funke Mediengruppe. “We should be honest: the benefits… to war refugees are providing completely wrong incentives.”

Frei was referring to a welfare program known as ‘Buergergeld’ which allows Ukrainians to receive €563 ($610) a month. Asylum seekers from other countries are entitled to €460, according to the tabloid Bild.

Another CDU member, Brandenburg Interior Minister Michael Stuebgen, said over the weekend “it does not make sense to talk about supporting Ukraine in the best way possible and support Ukrainian deserters at the same time.” The idea of automatically offering benefits to Ukrainian refugees is “a fundamental mistake,” he said, citing their low unemployment rate.

The general secretary of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), Bijan Djir-Sarai, told Bild on Sunday that “newly arriving war refugees from Ukraine should no longer receive Buergergeld payments.” He argued that they should only be entitled to asylum seeker benefits instead.

Around 1.3 million Ukrainian refugees were residing in Germany as of March 2024, according to Eurostat. Around 256,000 of them are men aged 18 to 60, according to German media.

Ukraine has been struggling to find new recruits as its armed forces have been suffering heavy casualties. Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said on Friday that Ukraine lost more than 35,000 troops to the fighting in May alone. Earlier in the month, Moscow estimated Kiev’s losses since the start of 2024 at over 111,000.

This spring, Kiev tightened its mobilization rules and lowered the draft age from 27 to 25. The draft campaign has been marred by widespread dodging and allegations of corruption.

Kiev has sought to bring draft dodgers back to the country by denying them consular services abroad and the ability to update their ID papers outside of Ukraine. Some senior Ukrainian officials have also said they want Western countries to send draft dodgers back home.


Kiev must not capitulate – Macron 16 Jun, 2024 00:17

The French president has insisted that any deal to end the conflict with Russia must not revolve around Russia’s terms.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Ukraine must not capitulate to Russian demands to bring lasting peace to the former Soviet republic.

Speaking on Saturday at the so-called “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” in Switzerland, Macron advocated involving more countries to try end the conflict with Russia. However, Moscow was not invited to the conference, prompting the Kremlin to argue that the talks are meaningless.

“All of us are committed to building a sustainable peace,” Macron said. “Such a peace cannot be a Ukrainian capitulation. There is one aggressor and one victim.” He added that any agreement to end the fighting must restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and respect “international rule.”

The talks in Switzerland come at a time when Russian troops are making steady battlefield gains against Kiev’s outmanned and outgunned forces. Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week that Ukraine was losing at least 50,000 troops per month, while Moscow was incurring unspecified casualties at a fraction of that rate.

Nevertheless, Macron and other Western leaders have insisted that Russia must not be allowed to win, and they pledged to continue to provide additional weaponry and economic aid to Kiev “for as long as it takes.”

Macron has been a leading proponent of deeper NATO involvement in the conflict, calling for a coalition of countries to send military trainers into Ukraine. He also suggested that NATO members should not rule out deploying military personnel at some point.

Russian officials have claimed that Western leaders torpedoed a tentative March 2022 peace deal between Moscow and Kiev that would have ended the fighting just a few weeks after it began.

US and Polish leaders were “alarmed” when they saw the 2022 draft peace deal, which was negotiated in Istanbul, the New York Times reported on Saturday. The newspaper posted three documents purported to be from the negotiations, including a treaty text proposed by the Ukrainian side.

According to the documents, Ukraine agreed under the proposal to pledge “permanent neutrality” in exchange for security guarantees from the US, UK, France, Russia, and China. The plan did not sit well with US officials, who saw it as “unilateral disarmament” by Ukraine, the report said.

Putin said on Friday that Moscow would order a ceasefire and start peace talks if Kiev agreed to several conditions, including the ceding of all five formerly Ukrainian regions that voted in referendums to become part of Russia. Zelensky immediately rejected the offer, calling it an “ultimatum.”

all the above articles can be found on the RT.com website if you are lucky enough to live in a country where RT isn't banned

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