House of the dragon takes over New York City! Which team are you on 🖤👑💚!?

8 months ago

Rockefeller Center and Grand Central Terminal Raise HBO’s ‘House of the Dragon’ Banners in New York City (These are Real, not AI or CGI)

Banners for House of the Dragon
@houseofthedragonhbo (the Game of Thrones @gameofthrones prequel) are up in Rockefeller Center @rockefellercenter and Grand Central Terminal @grandcentralnyc

Tag someone who loves House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones.

📍Rockefeller Center at 45 Rockefeller Plaza (Atlas sculpture) and Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central 89 East 42nd Street, Manhattan, New York City

#HouseOfTheDragon #HOTD #AllMustChoose #RaiseYourBanners #grandcentralterminal #rockefellercenter #nyc #teamgreen #teamblack #newyork #newyorkcity
Reposted from nyclovesnyc

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