With anger, you're dumb, into thrills, and love your hell!

6 months ago

JLP gives his two cents on the #biblicalquestion from each of the past couple weeks: Who's dumber, men or women? And: What are you trying to win?

00:00 Highlight: Who's dumber? Idk lol
00:46 Do women need men to find God?
01:31 Don't need a man. Return to the father! Forgive mothers, fathers
05:48 JLP on BQ: Don't know! All looking for love
06:40 Take path, return to the father. Darkness hates the light.
07:38 Husbands, wives, getting thrills from the hell
09:24 Created to be free, sins have been forgiven.
09:54 Honor parents, not from guilt, mama destroying marriage
11:01 Kingdom of heaven within: Love, don't resent your father
11:21 Mothers will turn you from fathers. Forgive her.
11:35 Don't believe human anger is good. It's evil. Love one another.
12:45 Marriage: Work on yourselves. Not trying to get anything. Psychologists.
13:35 Neither sinner nor saint. Evil or good works through you. Anger
14:25 1 John 3: 15 Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer
14:39 Forgive. No obligation, only love.
15:29 Silent Prayer: Be still. Let go. God has you.
16:05 BQ: Don't be in competition. Don't try to win. Be your best.
16:38 "Do you ever feel angry?" JLP: Never. Young man: "Irritated…a lot"
20:01 Do not be deceived: Anger is evil.

FULL VIDEO: Who is dumber, men or women? | Church 6/16/24
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