Ban Mail-In - Trump

18 days ago

Hot new band, Ban Mail-In, with their new smash hit single, "Trump."


Back up! You sad communist clowns
We all crack up, over your nervous breakdowns
And you can shove your “save democracy” spiel
We all know this election you’re tryin’ to steal

Yeah, MAGA’s standin' here
We’ve got are eyes on all the voting machines
We’ll make a point to be seen
And bring back tweets that are mean

Ah, It’s gonna be Trump (Trump)
We’re voting for Trump
Biden’s losing to Trump (Trump)
It’s gotta be Trump

Jell-O! Applesauce!
What is that?
That’s all Biden’s eatin’
He’ll be in an old folks home
When we stop him from cheatin’

'Cause MAGA’s standing here
Ready to battle with the Marxist machine
Tattoos with hair, blue and green
Like a deranged Halloween

Ah, it’s gotta be Trump (Trump)
You gotta vote Trump
Get ready for Trump (Trump)
And Biden we’ll dump

It's gonna be Trump (Trump)
We’re all voting for Trump
MAGA’s here for Trump (Trump)
We’re dumping Joe for Trump


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