Alan Watt - Redux 165 - "Everything's secret, isn't it?" - June 16, 2024

7 months ago

Real History, Over the Mountain part 2. What is real and what is fake? - Why do we participate in the pretense of voting? - Carroll Quigley, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Christian values. - Sexualizing the Youth, "Brave New World" of Aldous Huxley. - Why do libraries weed books?

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Scientific Socialism" - Jan. 13 and 20, 2019 - SCROLL to Near Bottom of Page for Both Talks

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Scientific Socialism" - Jan. 13, 2019

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Scientific Socialism" - Jan. 20, 2019

FOMO, Crypto, and Whorephobic Slut-Shamers - by Not Sure

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