Trump PAC Creates 'Biden-Mart' Grocery Store, Shows You Mind-Blowing Price Hikes Since 2021

4 months ago

Posted • June 16, 2024: Perhaps Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been living inside a giant plastic bubble and has had no contact with the outside world. How else would you explain her complete tone-deafness when speaking to the American people and the struggles they've endured under Bidenomics? Speaking with co-host Jonathan Karl on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, Yellen said sure, inflation was a little bit of an inconvenience, but you're all better off, don't ya know it. And, of course, she blames that inflation on the pandemic—not on the Biden administration's out-of-control spending on massive bills like the ridiculously named "Inflation Reduction Act" or the $1 trillion infrastructure bill. -- It's not a "feeling" that life has become unaffordable in America for the average person, Ms. Yellen. It's a reality.

“It is true that, over the last roughly three years, there's been a significant increase in the price level. It's now rising at a very slow, close to normal rate…I would point out, of course, that wages have also gone up,” Treasury Sec. Yellen says. -- Even Karl had to point out that despite the administration's continuing effort to tell that we're doing great—we're just too stupid to notice—the price of eggs is up a staggering 84 percent under Ole Joe. (…)

• More at: RedState - Yellen Pooh-Poohs Inflation, Laughably Claims 'the Typical American Is Somewhat Better Off'
Rumble: Janet Yellen Pooh-Poohs Inflation, Laughably Claims 'The Typical American Is Somewhat Better Off'
Biden Mart
RedState: Trump PAC Creates 'Biden-Mart' Grocery Store, Shows You Mind-Blowing Price Hikes Since 2021

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