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  • Ha! I know you’ll see THIS comment. I’m the only one here! 🤓 Anyway, regarding those GI Joe vids: at the end of the gi joe cartoons in the 80s, they’d have those GI Joe safety PSAs. Around 2006, I worked at a photography store in Las Vegas and when it was slow we’d all show eachother funny shit that we knew about on the interwebs. (nobody knew it was actually a weapon back then. Haha) Anyway, that’s the kind of thing that makes me laugh really hard. It’s my style of humor. It’s my “language,” if you will. I generally click with people who find the same shit funny that I find funny. I think the original artist/channel who redubbed the audio on all of those PSAs is “Fenster” (pretty sure that’s correct) all the other channels that have those are not the originals. Anyway… fast forward to the late 2021s and with all the crazy shenanigans that had been going on, I stumbled across a Salty Cracker video (might have been a very early live stream, actually) I heard him say, “Stop all the downloadin’ ! and “I’m a Computah!” I was like: “HOLY SHIT! I KNOW THAT REFERENCE!” 🤣😂🤣 That’s an OBSCURE AS FUCK REFERENCE! So I started listening to him ever since. I fucking love Salty, man! I was like, NICE! I’ve found a gathering place where all the people gathered understand what the fuck is going on with the commies and the attempted —but failed— overthrow of America! He’s a blessing. The Lord is using Salty. ✝️ Anyway… Salty said something very profound about pr0n once that totally pierced my heart and convicted me. He said: “Porn is out there, you’re gonna look at it. Everybody looks at it… you should feel BAD about it but it’s there.” I was like, shit, man. Yeah. I probably shouldn’t be so casual about looking at it. And then I remember that Jesus taught that listing after women is adultery. And it is. And I’m married. And my heart shattered at the thought of cheating on my wife. God help me, I would never! https://youtu.be/z8K08AcVru0?si=rWAASkdySt4fh8Ad

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  • Mount Hermon I think and it’s still there and yes America was littered with giant bones until Smithsonian swept it up.

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  • Saying our skeletal structure is similar to apes doesn’t mean we have the same ancestor, it means we have the same DESIGNER

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  • For a badass monument that actually promotes faith and isn’t demonic AF, look up the Pilgrim Monument. A rare gem here in America that isn’t dedicated to subversive evil. And I never heard a word about it in school, nor movies, never until Vince James did a stream on it.

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  • I imagine shadilay looking like Tarzan in the jungle with animals crawling all over and a bird on his head

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  • (I ran out of character space because I don’t have an off switch once I get going) 🤓 It’s because of Salty’s show that I’m in this community. But in conclusion, I fucking love ya, dude! (not as a fag) haha Love your show and your channel and your Bible studies and I love the people in the chat. it’s my kind of church. Genuine, unpretentious people. As a side note: I started going to a church where I live now and I wanted to put some pocket constitutions on the tract table. (Found here: http://citizensrulebook.us/ ) It’s one of the best pocket constitutions out there in my opinion because it has many scripture references from the Founding Fathers and lists of great civics info. And every September, I purchase a bulk of 100-150 and hand them out to random people. (September 17 is National US Constitution Day) 🤓🇺🇸 The pastor declined, saying that he”didn’t want to cause any division” in his church by putting “political pamphlets” out. The US Constitutions and Declaration of Independence are Divinely Inspired documents. I feel like he didn’t know that or understand that so I was like… “Peace out.” I shook that dust RIGHT OFF my feet. Anyway… I hope you see these comments cause I basically wanted you to get a better understanding on why I referenced that GI Joe PSA during today’s sermon. 🤓 and that’s all. May all the mother fuckers on your flight be real! -David

  • Evolution is gay

  • 🤣 if you don’t have a tail bone you can’t shit TRUE like 8 muscles attach to that thing

  • The bird should have his own show…a little distracting. 🦜