10 Ep#503 Pharisaism, Narcissism, and Worthlessness

8 months ago

Before we can truly become "little," we must confront the Pharisee in ourselves. Pharisaism is religious narcissism. The Bible calls it "insolent pride." 

The label "narcissist" is widely deployed to refer to people who appear to be too full of themselves, but the truth is, we all have selfish, narcissistic tendencies to some degree that we must wrestle with. I believe this "spirit of judgment" is the main wound of the Fall. Jesus' most dire warnings and strongest words were for the blind Pharisees.
Clinically, narcissism is a spectrum, and there are three "types" that give us useful information on how to deal with it in ourselves and others. Ultimately, Paul says we must "come out!" and unto our Heavenly Father in order to heal this father wound.
If you've never explored the "father wound," here 's a whole series on healing the father wound. 

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