9 months ago

01. The Hangman of Prague (03:05)
02. Steel Inferno (02:24)
03. Holy Blood, Holy Grail (02:28)
04. Cold Mouth Prayer (03:28)
05. Through the Belly of Damnation (04:19)
06. Vanity of Vanities (03:40)
07. Nowhere, No One, Nothing (03:19)
08. This Fleshly Void (02:59)
09. Into Utter Madness (04:41)
10. Messianic Pestilence (02:50)
11. Hail Mary (Piss-Soaked Genuflexion) (03:27)
12. Gospel of the Worm (02:37)
13. Afrika (04:00)
14. Rope of Regret (03:52)
15. Thousand-Fold Death (03:45)
16. Equestrian Bloodlust (02:51)
17. Narva (04:31)
18. The Devil's Song (03:46)
19. Blood of the Funeral (05:05)
20. Coffin Carol (04:02)
21. Year of the Maggot (04:14)

01-02-03 Plague Angel (2006)
04-05-06 Rom 5:12 (2007)
07-08-09 Wormwood (2009)
10-11-12 Serpent Sermon (2012)
13-14-15 Frontschwein (2015)
16-17-18 Viktoria (2018)
19-20-21 Memento Mori (2023)

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