The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure

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In her unique and paradigm-changing book, The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, internationally acclaimed sex educator Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy (still #BannedonFacebook) offers a brilliant new view of human sexuality, war, peace and community, inspired by a role model who isn’t even human: our closest genetic cousin, the bonobo. With a provocative, humorous and engaging style that makes science fun and ecology erotic, #DrSusanBlock boldly asks: What do these great apes know about sex--and the rest of life--that we don’t? Here are some things we know about bonobos: 1) They have lots of sex. 2) They never kill each other. 3) They empower the females. 4) They share, they care and they try to be fair 5) They stay younger longer. 6) They live in peace through pleasure… And we thought humans were the smartest apes! For decades, experts have used the “killer ape” paradigm to explain why humans murder, make war, bomb and behead each other, and supposedly always will. Sure, our common chimp cousins kill, but do they tell the whole tale? Luckily, no. The Bonobo Way shows the other side of the story, presenting the bonobos as a new great ape paradigm for humanity that could change the world… or at least improve your love life. From the lush depths of the rainforest to the satin sheets of your bedroom, #DrSuzy takes you on a fascinating journey, weaving stories, studies, theories and fantasies into possibilities and a practical path of action, presenting a very different kind of “12-Step Program” to release your “inner bonobo,” help save the real bonobos from extinction and energize all facets of your life. Give #TheBonoboWay to someone you love (even if that someone is you)! Get it now: 🐵

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