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Small Chinese Asian actor Kwok One starring in Bermondsey Tales the fall of the Roman Empire

7 months ago

Small Chinese Asian actor
Kwok One
starring as Vimmie the mobster in Bermondsey tales the fall of the Roman Empire

Bermondsey tales availble now on Amazon Prime
Bermondsey tales the fall of the Roman Empire if you wanna have a laugh and a jolly good time.

World's smal lest Chinese Asian actor 4'11 / 1.49cm with a professional Theatre, Dance & Martial Arts background & professional voice skills

3x Champion Nunchaku Do
Fluent in Chinese , English, German and Dutch
Master in Ving Tsun Kung Fu
Contemporary Ballet dancer

aktor kineski glumac hrvatski kitajski azijski igralec asiatischer chinesischer schauspieler Nederlands Aziatisch chineze film acteur chinois asiatique attore Chinese asian actor


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