041 The End is in the Beginning 8 - The Firm PodCast

25 days ago

Did you know that the Fallen Angels are examples of the ways of the Wicked at the End? Who can wield the Sword of the Lord? Why was the manna hidden? Did you know that the Holy Spirit is Wisdom? Should you honor your father and mother if they are wicked? Was Paul the apostles to the Gentiles? Who are the Children of the Promise? What do the feet of Iron and clay in Nebuchadnezzar's dream represent?

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
02:12 The Fallen Angels
33:24 The Sword of the Lord 2
46:48 The Hidden Manna 3
1:06:54 144,000 Children of the Promise
1:28:20 Jacob and Esau 6
1:54:18 Discussion

Here @theFirmament360 we will be covering various topics in God's Word and as Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas "revealing things which have never before occurred to the mind of man."

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