Peter Mandelson is doing all he can to make sure Corbyn loses his seat

4 months ago

Right, so as Jeremy Corbyn’s independent campaign gets underway, Labour sources are bullish, they reckon they can take Jez down, so much so that even the Prince of Darkness and Keir Starmer’s Tales from the Crypt string puller Peter Mandelson is prepared to roll his sleeves up and get down and dirty and descend to the street level of us proles, from the pedestal Starmer seems to have him on, and campaign for Labour’s chosen one and given Mandelson’s penchant for mixing with the wealthy, I can’t imagine what he sees in millionaire private health CEO Praful Nargund, of whom disturbing new footage has emerged of exactly what HE wants to do with OUR NHS. The fight to get Corbyn re-elected is now more important than ever. Will you be part of it?
Right, so Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign has begun, people are hitting the streets to help, but things are neck and neck. Labour’s parachuted in candidate, the IVF millionaire thanks to selling a chunk of his and his mother’s business to US private health interests, Praful Nargund, is benefitting from the fact that so many people in Islington North do not realise that Corbyn is no longer the Labour candidate, Nargund is set to suck up votes as people accidentally tick the box next to Labour, rather than look for Corbyn by name and it would be perverse and an outrage to so many if Nargund gets elected by taking so many votes actually intended for Jez, but this is the reality and there cannot be enough people out there, knocking on doors and telling people that Labour dumped their popular local MP in favour of a private healthcare CEO. It’s made all the tougher running as an independent, how anyone outside of party politics is disadvantaged, because they can’t access the kind of data that party’s can build up, though in Corbyn’s case, after 44 years, his local knowledge, his personal knowledge is second to none.
People still come up to him in the street, in the supermarket, he gets mobbed, yet how many of these people still believe as their local MP, that he’s still Labour right now at a crunch time when people need to be widely informed that this is not true, that Labour have done him dirty, and that the guy who could end up being elected as their MP, not insignificantly off the back of let’s call it accidental ignorance, as they look to tick the wrong box, by looking for Labour instead of looking for Corbyn and given this guy Nargund is pretty much Wes Streeting’s pro-privatisation of the NHS dream candidate, it’s a really dangerous prospect to see him become an MP and some recently unearthed footage of Nargund speaking on this has just emerged, where he spoke of the private sector’s role in fertility treatment on behalf of CREATE Fertility, his and his mums chain of IVF clinics, back in 2015:
He said there in his TED Talk that what he was preparing to speak about was essentially based on a conference held by the Progress Educational Trust, the PET, that he had attended, talking about the commercialisation of life. What a horrible turn of phrase, especially presented by a charity supposedly set up to help with issues of infertility and genetic issues. Commercialisation of life. The baby business he also called it, rip-roaring he described it as and whilst he did also acknowledge that actually this debate did not include businesspeople, and that much of the discussion was against privatisation, and I can completely understand that, I’m sure most of us right-thinking people can, I can’t actually find anything indicating the PET are pro private healthcare, Nargund, evidently saw this as a problem to be solved. His talk there therefore, was all about why he felt the PET anti privatisation people are wrong, and how private healthcare, like his own flipping business CREATE Fertility, can fill a niche and drive innovation and accessibility in fertility treatments. It’s more a case of develop these treatments and then put them up for sale to the highest bidder, but he didn’t become a millionaire doing just that – the majority of CREATE Fertility’s shares were sold to US private healthcare interests a few years after that footage was taken – giving them a foothold into our IVF market. Now put Nargund in parliament, along with Wes Streeting and watch US healthcare be welcomed with open arms throughout the entire NHS. Privatisation of healthcare is very, very important as he clearly said at the end. Every time privatisation happens, services decline, not because of underfunding necessarily, but because shareholders suck the profits out of it, rather than be reinvested in the service itself. CREATE did formulate their own unique treatments, but these were seen as a commodity to be bought and sold and that happens once. It made Nargund rich, it may well help numerous people, if they can pay, and the sneaky thing when it comes to our healthcare is that for as much as treatments might remain free at point of use, what the NHS will cost the public purse, because we know it isn’t really free, we know we do pay for it, and we’ll be paying even more as those shareholders demand more and more out of it. Privatisation when it comes down to it, when it comes to any public service, therefore amounts to little more than theft from the public purse, to make sure some rich people get even richer and the politicians that promote this are looking out for themselves too, both in in donations while MPS and setting themselves up for afterwards. Nargund, off the back of this footage, is yet another one of those and it’s our NHS he’ll be in a position to privatise next, Streeting isn’t even hiding the fact, he’s shouting from the rooftops that the private sector is coming for our health service under Labour, rather than removing the outsourcing, removing the profiteering, making sure all the money sunk into the service is used to deliver the service, and not thieved, which is of course what Corbyn stands for and what voting for him and making sure people know to vote for him and not Labour is what that will deliver.
Of course Nargund does have his fans and one prepared to descend on Islington North, black cloak billowing behind him, is a certain Peter Mandelson, who took to Murdoch Radio, to say just that:
Now we can talk about he past, 2019 all we like, it’s well documented how that campaign was undermined from within and I went over Starmer’s role specifically in that the other day, the Brexit position he took Labour in being factually the death knell of the party’s election chances. Boris Johnson probably had a party, but the difference is so stark between Corbyn and Nargund that for Mandelson it is Mr pro privatisation of the NHS all the way, as if any of us believe Mandelson uses it and not private healthcare himself anyway. Peter Mandelson wants to do everything he can to defeat Jeremy Corbyn. The mans irrational hatred of a guy who is pro peace, pro renationalisation, is quite made, but like I said before, Mandelson like rich people, they’re his sort, we aren’t, so if that is Labour is now, and we know it, those of us who follow politics especially know it, but so many who do not, who avoid it like the plague until elections come along do not know different and the danger to us all, if Nargund wins, becomes an MP, in a party of government, which we know is private health interest focussed, he’s perfectly positioned and experienced to deliver it on a platter to the rich and if he does it because people voted for him, when they thought they were voting for Corbyn, can you imagine how gleeful that will make the likes of Starmer and Mandelson? If you’ve time to spare, if you want to make a difference, if you can get to Islington North, here are the next dates available and of course you can get all the details on too if you choose to sign up, or just show up on the day. Here are the sessions for the next few days:
Sunday 16 June
The Bedford Tavern, 160 Seven Sisters Road, N7 7PT
12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm
Then come join us at the pub to watch England’s first match of Euro2024
Monday 17 June
Tufnell Park Tavern, 162 Tufnell Park Rd, N7 0EE
11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 6.30pm
Tuesday 18 June
Lizzy's on the Green, Newington Green, N16 9PX
11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 6.30pm
Wednesday 19 June
Campaign Office, London Fashion Centre, 89-93 Fonthill Road N4 3JH (at the back of the shopping centre and up the stairs)
11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 6.30pm
The Labour Party might have been the party that created the NHS, but what passes for it now is nothing of the sort and this Labour, Starmer’s changed Labour, changed into the Tory Party Labour, looks set on destroying it instead. Getting out for Jez, it’s about more than just one man, its about more than just him, its about making a statement, that we aren’t going to stand for more privatisation and especially not of the health service that we all rely on and need, but MPs you now you can trust to oppose that, well, they’re a rare breed. That’s why getting out for Jez is now becoming more important than ever before.

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