braking news Alex Jones Celebrates 'Victory' Despite Liquidation Order

6 days ago

on the same day that a judge in Houston, Texas, ordered the liquidation and trade of his particular means, claimed" win" for his far-right news website Infowars, which was allowed to remain in business. Jones had said that authorities were trying to shut down Infowars. He indeed broke down in rips once while speaking of his" hard fight" against those" claiming" that he was committing crimes. In 2022, Jones was ordered to pay nearly$1.5 billion in damages to Sandy Hook victims' families after saying the 2012 academe blasting, in which 20 children and six instructors were killed in Connecticut, was a humbug. still, on Friday, Judge Chris Lopez rejected a proposed liquidation of Jones' company Free Speech Systems, Infowars' parent company, saying that this was in the swish interest of his creditors." The right call is to dismiss this case," he said. Newsweek communicated Infowars for comment by dispatch beforehand on Saturday. Jones described the Texas judge who ruled to allow Infowars to continue broadcasting as" truly reasonable" and" fair." He said that his company had risked being shut down and its means liquidated, but now they are" out of the frying visage." The Infowars host and conspiracy champion added that there was a plan to get relieve of him, censor him and" get him off air." It was led by the contended" deep state," which Jones said was using him as a" test case" before going after embattled former President

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