WTFR Weekend Turd Rolled In Glitter Roundup with Joss 14-06-2024

8 months ago

It's Friday, yes it's Friday - well it was, but not now because it's Saturday, & Saturday is upload day - at least this week.

Anyway, Joss has almost lost the will to regurgitate mainstream garbage - especially given how close we are to the General Selection, where we all get to choose which lying arsehole(s) will drag this region of the west into perpetual communitarian Hell. At least until someone finds a chink in the near indestructible armour, then goes for broke trying to overthrow the most pernicious & malevolent dictatorship the world has ever seen. That's where we are folks, but then I suspect I am preaching to the converted.

As per a conversation I had with someone yesterday, I doubt anyone will really do anything about this malevolent takeover & extinguishing of all purpose for being, until the hunter-killer drones are smashing through your windows & gunning down your children for the newly invented crime of not wanting to don a uniform & sacrifice oneself to the billionaire class who orchestrated this fake & utterly needless war in the first place.

WW3 is coming, except it's not a war, it's just another stepping stone for the elites to exploit in order to exert TOTAL CONTROL OF EVERYTHING & EVERYONE, rendering life without meaning or purpose.

I guess we'll have to wait & see whether I'm right or wrong, & I hope in all sincerity that I've got this wrong.

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