Do Vaccines Contain Lipid Nanocapsule & Nanosphere Payloads That Can Be Activated By 5G & AI?

8 months ago

If so, that would mean they can pretty much place any other nanoparticle within and this these tiny lipid time capsules can either degenerate over time and break or can be aided by 5G EMF’s and AI.

Depending on the payload, this would mean that we could be potentially killed at any time they desire if the payload contained some powerful neurotoxic snake or snail venom as described in this video.

This technology is 100% possible.

It is just a matter of if they would really do such an evil thing to humanity on such a mass scale of corporate coordination.

That would indicate the Pandemic was really a carefully organized Plandemic.

I’m sure that this was likely planned for, studied and experimented on for multiple decades as they carefully study degrading nano-materials and could pinpoint on average when each material would degrade and break open to release the poisons.

They would want to do this in phases so the masses wouldn’t recognize and they could blame it on other things.

The vaccines would contain different poisons and different timing mechanisms so the doctors wouldn’t be able to connect the dots. Most doctors just follow orders anything and don’t really do their own studies and research.

If you are releasing a Bioweapon on the Global Population, you don’t want them knowing, it has to be strategically planned.

Then they would have to devise plans on what they were going to tell the public if the public began questioning. They could blame the various side effects, illnesses, disabilities and deaths on a ton of different things. That is their specialty so fooling the population would be simple.

Plus they would get to treat more patients with more drugs and the truth would never be discovered.

In some jabs the payload may just be toxins and in others it could be viruses. They know about the different strains, how long they incubate, where they incubate, how they migrate, where they tend to migrate, what the symptoms are for each viral strain and what diseases they are responsible for, like chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, cancer – the list goes on and on.

They know.

They have been studying this for over 100 years and the “Private Medical” Industry is decades ahead of the public medical industry.

The options are endless, they could control the amount of toxins or viruses, the variety of them and when they are released in the body.

This could all be “carefully” managed by AI. If people begin to connect the dots, especially the health field, the AI could communicate via WBAN or to the 5G towers themselves

I would be cautious about having your children take ANY jab because you know they are going after the children.

Source: X-ray_911 --


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END. 6/23/2024 – 9:00 AM

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