Anna: Russian Warships Visit Cuba to Distract U.S.

8 months ago

06/13/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: Russia's military activity near the U.S. serves partly as a show of force for domestic propaganda efforts and partly as a means to distract the U.S., akin to the CCP's consistent belief that the U.S. cannot successfully engage in three wars simultaneously.
#RussianwarshipsinCuba #CCP #NewEvilAxis
06/13/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway节目:俄罗斯在美国周边的军事活动,一方面是秀肌肉,以便向国内做宣传;另一方面是为了分散美国注意力,就像中共总在赌美国无法同时打赢三场战争一样。
#俄罗斯舰船停靠古巴 #中共 #新邪恶轴心

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