If You’re Happy And You Know It Say Meow!

6 years ago

Do you remember that funny children song that starts with “If you’re happy and you know it…” and continues with “clap your hands” and a couple of other variations? Well if you do, this video will transfer you back in your childhood and melt your heart in a split of a second. But if you don’t, here is your chance to hear it! This video shows an adorable can who is having some fun with her young human friend who sings this song to her that goes “If you’re happy and you know it, say meow!” and when he finishes that line, the cat goes “Meow!” and repeats it several times! LOL! Can you believe that?! The two of them are in perfect sync and sound just like a real duet! This video is absolutely one of the cutest and heartwarming cat videos I’ve seen in quite some time, and you should really check it out too!

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