In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 54 (Yamsox Live Reading June 13th 2024)

8 months ago

In Love, At Ease: Spiritual Teachings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Join us as we delve into 'In Love, At Ease,' an intimate reflection on the life and teachings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the spiritual leader who exemplified eternal values of selfless love, service, and humility. From his reverence and spiritual practices to cultural insights and humanitarian efforts, this video offers a heartfelt look at Swamishri's global influence and personal moments. Written by his disciple Yogi Trivedi, this book not only guides individuals on their spiritual journeys but also supports tribal education welfare in Poshina, Gujarat.

00:00:00 Humility and Reverence
00:07:08 Swamishri's Reverence
00:09:25 Understanding Reverence in Spiritual Traditions
00:12:40 Discussing Cultural Shocks in Spiritual Practices
00:12:54 Images of Devotion
00:15:53 Personal Moments with Swami Sri
00:18:22 Spiritual Leadership and National Unity
00:19:13 Relief Efforts and Humanitarian Work
00:22:20 Swamishri's Global Influence

#Spirituality #PramukhSwami #InLoveAtEase #Humility #SelflessLove #HumanitarianWork #YogiTrivedi #GlobalInfluence #SpiritualLeadership

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