Dad Breaks Bench Fail

6 years ago

This video is just too funny for words! It’s a beautiful hot summer day, and this family decided to make the most of it in their backyard! Dad’s blown up an inflatable pool and filled in with water, and the little girl and her pet dog from this video couldn’t be more excited about it! Yay! Bring on the fun and the water splashing! How cute are the tot girl and the pooch playing in the inflatable pool together? So adorable! But we can all agree that taking care of a little girl and an excited dog at the same time sure can be tiring. So that’s why Dad decides to rest his legs for a few minutes. He sits on a bench, but then, something unexpected happens. The second the man sits on the bench, it breaks! LOL! Poor Dad! Even the little girl makes fun of him! Absolutely hilarious!

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