Be A White Knight Daddy

10 days ago

Wishing the world a wonderful Father's Day, thanking GOD our Maker first over all other as our Daddy. ow to Jesus the Author of our salvation as he come back soon. Honor you dad as I honor mine, wishing you salvation Jesus offers. Sharing how Adam and Eve failed, I add what is need d to gain immortality back. Know GOD and obey the 10 Commandments, believe in Jesus. Love GOD and others. The wealth of the wicked will be given to the righteous. Evil will lose its power on earth. The return of plagues will happen again, and tribulation is coming. My daddy was CHAMPION BOXER called to become a Preacher., so I share a story and poem about him. Jesus brings a change and new beginning, under an 8-pointed star for our salvation for peace I share, to love others instead of hating them. The Jew, Muslim, and Christian are to stand back-to-back in war to defend the Holy Land under GOD, believing Jesus is our Messiah will save them. My Dad is a White Knight, so I share a poem about him. Giving advice I wish all a great Father's Day.

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