Justice for Medicine fundraiser

Streamed on:

Donate here -> https://justiceformedicine.com
Constitutional Lawyer Michael Alexander, Scientist/Academic Dr. Jennifer Hibberd and physician Mark Trozzi (electronically) will give an update on their effort to expose the illegal activity of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. CPSO supported the political narrative and silenced scientific discussion during COVID, going as far as taking away medical licenses of doctors who offered their patients informed consent and spoke publicly regarding their concerns about the shot and COVID protocols.

Also meet Dr. David Speicher (lead scientist - discovered undisclosed DNA fragments in covid shot  https://osf.io/preprints/osf/mjc97 ) and Dr. Chris Shoemaker (Ontario doctor who has worked diligently warning of the dangers of the COVID  shot, especially for children) and for his efforts' to protect, has lost his license .


The event will be livestreamed and recorded if you cannot attend personally.

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