Happy Birthday dear Mr. President 🇺🇸, the Savior of our Children ❤️and our Divine Humanity. #WWG1WGA 🤝 #SemperSupra 🎖️ Sincerely, Jack ‘JFK’

1 month ago

#WWG1WGA & #SemperSupra

Happy Birthday dear Mr. President, the Saviour of our Children and our Divine Humanity.

You are the Uniter of all Patriots in the United States Republic, Earth-wide and Beyond.

We all stand right by you in all that you have accomplished and are your united Supporters for the most important day on November 5th in the History not only of the United States but our divine Earth.

We all send you lots of Love, Light and much Respect dear President Trump, dear Comrade.

Thank you for all that you have sacrificed of your wonderful life going selfless for our future through a hell of a war to save our divine Humanity on our Divine Earth and Beyond.

You are our Hero, you are our Warrior that always lead through example beyond the call of duty.

Happy Birthday to you, Sir.

"Peace is our Bravery"


John JFK & John John, Princess Diana, Patrick, Caroline and Isabelle Kennedy - Your 'Q' Warriors


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