🚩Understand the depth federal income tax has screwed the American people

26 days ago

Now That Donald Trump Suggested Eliminating The Income Tax & Replacing It With Tariffs, You Should Watch This: “I don't think people understand the depth in which the federal income tax has screwed the American people because the income tax didn't exist for the first 137 years America was a country. It was implemented in 1913 and shortly after that, the income tax would become the government's primary source of generating revenue.

The government would basically own your labor. So you’re taxed at 33%. 1/3 of your work for the entire year belongs to the government.

But before the federal income tax, tariffs were the government's primary source of generating revenue.

So the government would come along and say, if companies want to import goods from other countries, they have to pay a tax on those goods. And this was the government's primary way of generating revenue.

So let's use Nike as an example. They want to outsource their labor to other countries, India, China, and basically hire people that work for under $1 a day, basically sweatshops. They want sweatshops. Well, when they go to import those goods into the United States of America, they would be forced to pay that tariff. So if it's 25%, they would have to pay a 25% tax on the value of the goods coming into the country.

Now, they could either pay that themselves in which now the government's primary way of generating revenue is through these international corporations that want to outsource labor and do international business, or they could negotiate with the company that they're importing from.

I mean, in this case, it's themselves, but if they're working with another company, they could say, hey, if you want us to keep manufacturing in China, if you want us to keep manufacturing in India, you have to help us with these tariffs. And now the government's primary way of generating revenue would not be by taking money from you, the federal income tax, but it's from charging those international corporations and corporations that are in other countries.

Isn't that a lot better than them taking the money from me and you? And yes, the price of international goods might go up. In fact, price of goods will go up. But that's okay because there's also an additional incentive for companies like Nike and all companies now to manufacture goods in America, which means American manufacturing would boom.

And this is in theory, this is what had actually happened and what the federal income tax really took away from us because from the period of 1860 to 1900, America had emerged as the preeminent manufacturing country in the world.

American steel, American oil, Europeans would come to America and they couldn't believe that we had electric powered curling irons. The United States of America, our country had become the innovative center of the world and jobs were booming. People talk about 1910 1920 1930 with the unions with Detroit and Detroit being the manufacturing center of the world, but that was really all of the United States of America. But once the federal income tax was passed, once that was established, the government no longer needed tariffs to be it's primary source of revenue.

Now the primary source of revenue was reaching directly into our pockets. And once the government was able to do that, they were able to seriously consider abandoning economic protectionism, abandoning those tariffs so that international corporations could outsource our jobs to other countries and the government wouldn't be hurt.

The cost of goods would go down and the international corporations would do better than ever. But we would lose our jobs and the government would take ownership over our labor. And that was the real cost of the federal income tax.

And that's the conversation they don't want Americans having”

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