
8 months ago

Pentecost: Pentecost marks the birth of the New Testament Church. In Leviticus 23, God instructed Israel to observe Pentecost by counting fifty days from the Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. On that same day in A.D. 31, the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in different languages, and Peter's sermon led to 3,000 baptisms. This event began God's Church, opening the way for all people to have a relationship with Him. The New Testament Church continued observing Pentecost, as many Christians do today. Pentecost reminds us of the Holy Spirit's power, the start of the Church, and the transformation of lives in preparation for the coming Kingdom of God.

Pentecost #Pentecost #HolySpirit #NewTestamentChurch #FaithJourney

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