186. Why You Need Multiple Approaches to Most Chronic Diseases - Dr. Lewis

8 months ago

One intervention to health problems seldom gives the desired results. Dr. Lewis explains REDOX chemistry and physiological kinetics and how this relates to the need for multiple intervention types for most chronic conditions.

11:58:04 From Joel B Peterson : Was that Ariyana Ana, cant find her yet
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12:00:57 From Steve : ariyana love
12:00:58 From Maura : https://t.me/drloveariyana
12:02:00 From Maura : Steve - Isn’t she negative on methylene blue too
12:02:41 From Steve : https://t.me/s/DrAriyanaLove/20188
12:03:05 From Steve : Yes, she is. But she provides documentation for all her info
12:03:13 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://t.me/s/DrAri..." with ❤️
12:03:21 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Yes, she is. But s..." with ❤️
12:03:27 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://t.me/drlovea..." with ❤️
12:03:32 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "ariyana love" with ❤️
12:07:09 From Steve : How to determine if one is over-dosing anti-Os?
12:09:45 From Debra's iPad : Was there a recording for the Q&A follow up with Stephen McConnell regarding Niacin? Did he ever mention how much his wife’s Lipo A was reduced using the Niacin?
12:15:37 From Martha : ESR
12:26:06 From Maura : What do you think of Magnesium Glycinate?
12:26:09 From Val Crigger : Drs…2 questions: is there a test that can determine if one had mild poliovirus in childhood? And how is post-polio syndrome diagnosed? Thx.
12:26:16 From Brenda’s iPhone : How often and how long would you do halogen light? 30 min daily?
12:26:28 From Brenda’s iPhone : And how much meth blue?
12:28:23 From Joel B Peterson : I missed what SPDT means.
12:30:24 From Maura : Dr Ardis /Group mentioned to look at an old book for light protocols - Light Therapeutics by Kellogg
12:30:40 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr Ardis /Group ment..." with ❤️
12:31:20 From Maura : https://archive.org/details/39002011140895.med.yale.edu
12:31:56 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Sodium Bicarbonate - amount? when to take? with food, or not? any other helpful info?
12:32:28 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://archive.org/..." with ❤️
12:32:59 From Martha : Joel – To answer your question – Sono-photodynamic therapy, or SPDT, combines ultrasound (sono) and light (photo) to target cancer cells.
12:33:15 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Joel – To answer you..." with ❤️
12:34:06 From Brenda’s iPhone : Castor oil in cooking?
12:34:19 From Joel B Peterson : Thank you very much Martha! ❤️
12:35:16 From John Peterson : Good morning. Quick questions on a different topic. I just had my blood work redone. And at your suggestion, Tom, included lymphocyte and neutrophil (to calc the ratio), sed rate, and fibrinogen. Can you please explain what I shd be looking at and optimizing for those markers & ratios, please? Thx
12:35:22 From Martha : Replying to "Dr Ardis /Group ment..."

Light Therapeutics Paperback – September 10, 2010
by John Harvey Kellogg M.D.
12:35:49 From istephanie : Where do you find liver and other non muscle that is from grass fed beef?
12:35:53 From mira : or, Diversity! in everything :]
12:36:41 From Martha : Replying to "Dr Ardis /Group ment..."

Light Therapeutics; a Practical Manual of Phototherapy for the Student and the Practitioner, With Special Reference to the Incandescent Electric-light Bath
by John Harvey 1852-1943 Kellogg | Sep 10, 2021
12:37:47 From Martha : Magnesium Threonate – does a good job of crossing the blood brain barrier, yes?
12:38:21 From M F : What about magnesium citrate in liquid form?
12:38:45 From Martha : Replying to "Magnesium Threonate ..."

Answering my own question – Yes, magnesium L-threonate (MgT) can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and deliver magnesium to brain cells. This form of magnesium is a supplement that combines magnesium with threonic acid, a water-soluble substance derived from vitamin C. It's designed to be more bioavailable and pass through the BBB more effectively than other forms of magnesium
12:38:51 From John Peterson : Here is a great source for lots of grassfed meat. Reasonably priced too. https://grasslandbeef.com
12:39:25 From Maura : Reacted to "Answering my own que…" with ❤️
12:40:21 From Maura : Reacted to "Here is a great sour…" with 👍
12:40:42 From Maura : Reacted to "Magnesium Threonate …" with ❤️
12:40:54 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Here is a great sour..." with ❤️
12:42:09 From Joel B Peterson : It got answered, thank you!
12:43:52 From Maura : Replying to "Where do you find li…"
12:44:13 From Maura : Replying to "Where do you find li…"
👆You might find something here
12:44:42 From Brenda’s iPhone : Can you do the SPDT at home?
12:45:51 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Sodium Bicarbonate - amount? when to take? with food, or not? any other helpful info?
12:46:35 From mira : Dr lewis - I do not cook w/oil. Advice on how to "eat" castor oil?, sounds so nasty (I do love strong black seed oil, use it like olive oil on already cooked food)
12:47:49 From Maura : A lot of the Asian stores will sell organ meat
12:47:58 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "A lot of the Asian s..." with ❤️
12:48:17 From istephanie : Replying to "Where do you find li…"
12:48:25 From mira : I only but meat from regenerative "farms" ... afraid of WF meats (have MCAS)
12:49:01 From Maura : Reacted to "I only but meat from…" with 👍
12:49:07 From Joel B Peterson : Good idea Maura, and we have Mexican shop like that!
12:49:27 From Ferd : Grass-fed ghee - might it result in butyrate assisting the gut flora rebound from Long Covid?
12:49:28 From Maura : Reacted to "Good idea Maura, and…" with ❤️
12:50:26 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "I only but meat from..."

Whats WF mean, and MCAS
12:51:05 From mira : Force of Life ( I think it is) stocks frozen regenerative combo muscle/liver/ organ groundmeats - YUM!!
12:51:33 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Force of Life ( I th..." with ❤️
12:51:39 From mira : Dr lewis - cooking denatured many oils. I add later !!
12:51:51 From mira : Denatures
12:52:07 From Maura : https://waldenlocalmeat.com/
12:52:39 From Maura : Replying to "https://waldenlocalm…"
Deliver👆Massachusetts. And conneticut
12:52:51 From mira : Reacted to Here is a great sour... with "👍"
12:53:09 From M F : Niacin and all B vitamins make me agitated. Can not take any
12:53:53 From Brenda’s iPhone : Are the ingredients of alkaseltzer safe?
12:54:16 From Maura : Can you say that again about the macular edema
12:54:21 From Brenda’s iPhone : What brands of niacin are you all using?
12:54:50 From Maura : Replying to "What brands of niaci…"
12:55:00 From mira : Replying to "I only but meat from..."

WF = wholefoods. MCA...
12:55:29 From John Peterson : This mix is great (can’t really taste the organ meats):

12:55:52 From Dr. Tom Lewis : John: My daughter gets that one….
12:56:02 From Maura : Reacted to "This mix is great (c…" with ❤️
12:56:03 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Replying to "Are the ingredients ..."

I'm of the opinion that alka seltzer ingredients are not in our best interest, that's why I bought Bob's Red Mill
12:56:19 From Maura : Reacted to "I'm of the opinion t…" with 👍
12:56:20 From mira : Reacted to I'm of the opinion t... with "👍"
12:56:36 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I'm of the opinion t..." with 👍
12:56:51 From M F : Replying to "What brands of niaci..."

tried different brands
12:56:55 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Pam: That makes sense. I think you can get a pure baking soda too - for those economically inclined - like me :)
12:57:19 From Brenda’s iPhone : Is the Kellogg book from 1910?
12:57:56 From Maura : Replying to "Is the Kellogg book …"
12:57:58 From mira : Yes from health food store/ on-line vitamin seller
12:58:56 From Brenda’s iPhone : Replying to "Is the Kellogg book …"
Okay. I see the 2024 reprint on amazon
13:00:23 From mira : Dr L so how much castor oil to consume? (god, I can hardly write this😬)
13:00:42 From Maura : Replying to "Is the Kellogg book …"
dr Ardis was using the 1910 book from archive
13:00:46 From Maura : Replying to "Is the Kellogg book …"
13:00:48 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I am doing at least 1 tablespoon per day. Just like in the old days.
13:01:07 From Brenda’s iPhone : Replying to "Is the Kellogg book …"
Oh, so it’s free
13:01:22 From Maura : Reacted to "Dr L so how much cas…" with 😂

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