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California Nightmare

8 months ago

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  • 0/2000
  • It's crazy to think that California used to be known as Iowa with a beach and, at one time, Los Angeles was a great city for white middle-class families to live the American dream. Once the courts overruled Prop 187, the writing was on the wall.

  • These two women (or wamyn), or whatever they call themselves these days, are not having a conversation, they are giving a performance. It's always the same with these people - everything is about them and everything is so over the top. They are terminally narcissistic.

  • Jilliman Michaels is a dude !!! Consider who's speaking!

  • This creature is human filth. She should not be allowed to contaminate any other part of the country.

  • Hope Sasha's surgery goes well. I really hope it wasn't cancer. So many new cases in this covid crazy world. Best wishes from Oklahoma. (:

  • Profanity is Jewish. The "dirty words" movement was started by Jewish comedians and Hollywood producers in the 60s. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard, Ramz.

  • CA hasn’t cared what the voters want for a long time. The legislature commonly throws out props the people voted on if they don’t like how the people voted. That’s just one instance that has happened many times. There have been many years the people don’t get a say on anything. Notice the 9th circuit shoots down a lot of what the legislature puts through when cases are brought. Who has the money to bring cases against every instance the legislature abuses their power? Yes, people like this woman vote terribly but ultimately the people have no say in CA. Her vote may just actually matter in a different state if that state has not gone the way of CA legislature. I’m not so sure people understand what has been happening.

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  • The intonation of that kali cross legged woman is beyond annoying.

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  • Annoying drama queen.

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  • Where are all these lesbos coming from these days? You even see it in the store now with young teenagers obviously lesbians. Its a phenomena that we on the right seem to be afraid to discuss. Ramz talks about the young men rejecting women, but we miss the fact that so many of these young women have turned gay and are rejecting the men. It needs to at least be discussed as a major social problem. We need to address why the women aren't interested in men anymore (no, I am NOT blaming the men).

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  • The National Socialists,Khmer Rogue(Pol Pot),Maos Red China,Stalins Soviet Union,& all other extremists groups are the same.All their policies ended up completely different place from where they started.They consider it a purity test.When in reality it is a race to see who can get to the gutter first. And they could not give a fuck who it affects as long as it is not them !

  • I guarantee you she ain't moving to Arkansas so you're good.

  • Sorry, Ramz blaming Californians for other Western states becoming liberal is simply factually false. California was a conservative Republican dominated state pretty much like Colorado (at least Southern California and inland California). I remember watching it change in the 1990s, when Easterners moved here. In fact, I can look up the timeframe, but it was maybe only a decade or so later that Colorado, Oregon, etc, became liberal after California. Immigration and people from the East Coast did this to California as well as other states. It wasn't us who did this despite how popular it may be online to blame us.