Here's how you Boost and Protect Your AURA

8 months ago

Your AURA is real.

Whatever you feel on the inside, radiates outside and people can pick up on it.

If you are feeling sad and you're putting on an act like you are happy; people can tell that something is off. You can be the best actor in the world but people can sense what you are feeling. And this is basically your AURA.

So your aura is an amplifier of what you are feeling on the inside.

You are already projecting your aura outside and you don't even know it.

If you are feeling emotions of anger, pain, shame, and guilt; these emotions project out as your aura.

So that's why it's important to raise your vibrational frequency and align yourself with higher vibrational emotions such as love, peace, joy, and happiness.

When you are regularly embodying these emotions, it radiates off of you and it is felt by people around you.

This essentially comes off as attractive, charismatic, and charming, and basically generates personal magnetism.

Because to generate personal magnetism you don't have to do anything external but rather go internal.

By doing the inner work, letting go, and raising your vibrational frequency, you radiate higher vibrational emotions such as LOVE and LOVE IS contagious, hence generating personal magnetism.

This creates immense attraction as the majority of people do not experience constant states of love or happiness regularly.

95% of the population is walking around in anger, shame, guilt, or apathy, it's only the 5 % that actually embodies the higher vibrational emotions regularly.

So if you are one of the 5% that actually embodies the higher vibrational emotions such as love, peace, joy, and happiness regularly; you come off as magnetic and attractive.

This energy draws people in.

You don't need the best conversational skills, or wear the best outfit and have the best hairstyle. Your energy is just enough, your AURA introduces you before you do.



It's very simple, just stay in your state and hold your frame

When you are in a very high vibrational space, you will be constantly bombarded with people who try to bring your vibration down and will be constantly tested by your inner demons too. The key here is to not give in and hold your state no matter what.

And that is it

Protect your AURA no matter what


1. Understand Your Aura:

A. Your AURA is real and it amplifies your inner emotions.
B. People can sense your true feelings.
C. Your aura projects emotions like anger, pain, shame, and guilt if not addressed.

2. Raising Your Vibrational Frequency:

A. Align yourself with higher vibrational emotions such as love, peace, joy,
and happiness.
B. Radiating these emotions makes you attractive, charismatic, and magnetic.
C. Generating personal magnetism by doing inner work and embodying positive emotions.

3. Protecting Your Aura:

A. Stay in state and hold your frame.
B. Resist external triggers from others and inner demons that lower your vibration.
C. Maintain high vibrational resonance to protect your aura.

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