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IT'S COMING - Something HUGE Is About To Happen

8 months ago

The Kremlin has officially labelled the United States as an “enemy” state for the first time, reflecting the deteriorating relations between Moscow and Washington.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Every time I think of or someone mentions the war in Ukraine, I immediately think of thousands of young men and women, some of them still children who are out there on both sides of the border, terrified and just wanting to go home. hundreds of thousands of whom all have already ended up dead . These are real people, young healthy lovely human beings, having their lives snuffed out early because of some crazy agenda's. It makes me want to cry, in fact it has made me cry. I wish that every single American would refuse to pay one penny in taxes until we stop sending money to support foreign wars, particularly while we have hundreds of thousands of homeless people here in the US., who have been in the same position as those children overdeas who are living in terror every day