We Love Them Even More: IDF Lobbing Fire Into Lebanon With Trebuchets And Bows: Part 1

8 months ago

Posted • June 14, 2024: The other day, after the IDF rescued four hostages from Hamas terrorists, a helmet-cam video of the rescue made the rounds on Twitter and it was just incredible to watch. The IDF have released helmet cam footage of the hostage rescue operation. This is what actual freedom fighters and heroes look like. Amazing. These are true heroes. We didn't think we could love the IDF any more than we already did after watching that. We were wrong. Last night, another video clip started to gain traction on Twitter, this time from another front in Israel's fight against terrorists. On Israel's northern border with Lebanon, where Hezbollah continues to launch rocket attacks into Israel, the IDF was doing something pretty eye-popping and straight out of The Lord of the Rings. The IDF uses a catapult (trébuchet) on the border with Lebanon. A trébuchet? How awesome is that?

Oh, but wait. It gets better. Israeli Forces in the North of the Country are using Medieval Methods, like Trebuchets and Bows, to launch Incendiary Projectiles over the Border into Southern Lebanon, to Burn as much Foliage as possible in order to make it Harder for Hezbollah Militants to launch Ambushes when Israeli Ground Operations eventually begin in Lebanon. As if using an advanced catapult from the Middle Ages wasn't cool enough, next the IDF broke out the bows and flaming arrows. We're not sure if that was Legolas dressed in modern military gear, but we hope so. Maybe it was Hawkeye. When the first video surfaced, many people were wondering why Israel was using these ancient weapons. The tweet above answers the question in part and Marina Medvin provided more details as well.

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 @MarinaMedvin: “An ancient tactic is being deployed by IDF soldiers on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. A mediaeval catapult is being used to set fire beyond the barrier on the Lebanese border. The IDF said that this ancient method is only being used for this one project. The area at the Lebanese border is characterized by dense thorn vegetation, which poses a challenge to the IDF forces. The burning is likely intended to expose the area to facilitate the identification of terrorists who would try to reach the Israeli border, as well as to prepare for possible IDF ground activity in Lebanon.” (…)

• More at: Twitchy - We Love Them Even More: Video Shows IDF Lobbing Fire Into Lebanon With Trebuchets and Bows
Rumble: We Love Them Even More: IDF Lobbing Fire Into Lebanon With Trebuchets And Bows: Part 2

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