JUAN O SAVIN- ASIAN VISIT & China Connections - JMC 6 13 2024

20 days ago

Juan visited several Asian Countries in May. This was a retrospective with John Michael Chambers that he posted today 6 13 2024. The reasons he was in this area is because he was there years ago and as he said was to update with current conditions. This is very interesting for the range of knowledge that he explores in this one hour show. Johns Rumble Channel is here and he has many more interesting shows: https://rumble.com/v51fsi6-why-was-juan-in-asia-john-and-juan-107-intel-insights-61324.html
I have been asked to provide more information about the Antarctica Question that Juan said it is not time to talk about.
This is from Robert Sepehr did this show right after Juan had headed from Buenos Aires Argentina in a "cruise ship" to the Continent. https://youtu.be/hIjxbV7pDlc?si=osJzys5zD077jb0b
And Juan in Antarctica https://rumble.com/v4dpdxu-juan-o-savin-history-and-antarctica-part-one-tom-numbers-2-15-2024.html

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