The Hidden Story of I Am Legend's Ending(s)

8 months ago

After covering all kinds of different zombies, monsters, ghosts, and creatures of the night, I recently did some self-reflection and asked myself, how did I get here? I’ve always had a love for the sci-fi and fantasy genres, But the more dramatic and horror-themed movies and shows that I love can really be traced back to one place: I Am Legend.

0:00 - 1:47 - #1 Fan
1:48 - 10:30 - Movie Recap
10:31 - 11:34 - Complicated History
11:35 - 13:45 - Zombie vs. Vampire?
13:46 - 16:44 - The Highs, Whys, and the CGI
16:45 - 18:53 - Two Endings
18:54 - 20:47 - The Truth About Robert Neville
20:48 - 22:48 - Butterfly

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