Do the Children of Fallen Angels – aka – Nephilim Rule the Earth? The True Elite Behind EVERYTHING!

9 days ago

***MUST WATCH!!! This is from Michael Tsarion. This may explain why they are trying to destroy the planet and why they desperately want 15 minute cities -- connect the dots.

The offspring of the Nephilim are the Elites behind the dynasty, behind the religions and behind the governments.

The children of the Nephilim are called the Elioud, who are considered a separate race from the Nephilim, but they share the fate of the Nephilim.

According to Micheal Tsarion, the Endgame is for them to get off the planet as they are not liked on Earth.

Micheal says there is a shield around the Earth that is explained by ancient texts, that is an encircling barrier that prevents the children of the nephilim from leaving.

He says they can go to the moon but not beyond it, not if they have the Alien DNA. It is a preventative barrier to keep the Earth in Quarantine. That’s why they talk about the Beast being chained to the pit

Michael Tsarion says the endgame like they are showing us through movies like Stargate and Enemy of the State is that they want to get out. They are desperately trying to find a way out. They made great strides in the 15th Century and they used Magic as a cover.

Michael says they are still trying to do this to this day to the key that will open the stargate.

John Dee, a master occultist and astrologist to Queen Elizabeth – he opened portals to the over-souls.

Macrobe – are a type of bodiless lifeform which inhabits the space between planets, notable for their hatred of mankind and the Earth, although they pretend otherwise.

The Macrobes say they have the Key for the children of the Nephilim to get off the planet but it will take hundreds of years. They told John Dee this. They wanted something in return though and that was energy from death.

Macrobes want energy and that energy must be obtained by death or occult rituals / occult murders / occult sacrifices. They thrive off of confusion and fear at the moment of death.

These murders have to be done extremely specifically otherwise it doesn’t qualify as a Ritual Death.

They have to be done at the right time, Asrologically speaking. They have to be done at the right place on the globe.

Wars are Ritual Mass Murders. The soldiers are covered in occult symbols. The pentagon in the USA is an occult symbol. They are strategically placed on parts of the globe. A lot of these are done on the 30th and 33rd Meridians of the Earth.

Most of the Royal Houses, Churches and Banks are built on the 30th and 33rd meridians


Because it released certain kinds of energies at specific times. This is used by higher energies – macrobes in payment for this pact made for one day achieving the key so the offspring can depart the planet.

Cities are nothing more than Ritual Centers.

David Ovason explains this in the book “The Secret Architecture of our Nations Capital.” Link below to free PDF.

Our founding fathers were “pretending” to be Christians where they are Masonic Pagans.

Every Masonic Design is based on a RITUAL.

Micheal says he explains this in his book called “Atlantis.”

In a normal Satanic Ritual, you take your Victim to a particular Ritual Site, but you can’t take the whole human race to a particular site for a Ritual Death, so they try to build cities around them so they never notice the true purpose.

The occult symbolism like the Obelisk will be in plain view, but the average human being has no clue to it’s true meaning.

We don’t even realize we are in a prison. We don’t even know our enemy. For multiple centuries the elite have kept the average goyim in a state of illiteracy. Then we became literate they taught us fake history full of lies and our universities are nothing but fraudulent lies.

They invert everything.

They sell our sovereignty.

They control the banks which are nothing but fraud designed to keep us prisoners.

They created a matrix of lies and we are stuck in this web.

They moved us to America with their trickery, according to Michael Tsarion. The Skull & Bones own this country along with the other secret societies.

The British lost the war, no they didn’t, the war is ongoing all the time, they have tons of other strategies.

The British are our greatest enemy. They are raping this country. The City of London owns this country.



2. Michael Tsarion --

3. “The Secret Architecture of our Nations Capital” --’s_capital_the_Masons_and_the.pdf


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END. 6/23/2024 – 6:00 PM

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