Scott Payne - Undercover FBI Agent, Outlaws, & Neo-Nazis - The Ed Clay Show Ep. 27

8 months ago

Scott Payne is a retired FBI Special Agent who spent twenty-eight years in law enforcement investigating cases against drug trafficking organizations, human traffickers, outlaw motorcycle clubs, gangs, public corruption, and domestic terrorists. He spent long periods of his career in undercover operations including cases such as violent crime, motorcycle gangs, public corruption, murder for hire, drug trafficking, and domestic terrorist groups with international ties.

Payne's undercover cases include busting groups like "The Outlaws" Motorcycle Gang, "The Base" Neo-Nazi Group, and other high-risk undercover operations. On this episode of The Ed Clay Show Ed sits down with Scott to talk about what its been like living the life of an undercover agent for so long.

Ed and Scott talk about the realities behind police brutality, the weaponization of our justice system, mass shootings, Jan 6th, PTSD, Mental Health, and so much more as they dive into the things that are stirring our American Nation to its spilling point in 2024.

Listeners get to hear an inside perspective on the mindset required to undergo so many high-stress situations, adopting alternative personalities during cases, and even dealing with the real friendships that may develop while you are working undercover.

Enjoy this episode of The Ed Clay Show with Retired FBI Special Agent Scott Payne!

#scottpayne #fbiundercover #fbispecialagent #lawenforcement #edclayshow

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00:00:00 - History with the FBI, Career in Law Enforcement
00:15:51 - Undercover Cases, Infiltrating Gangs
00:24:16 - Building Relationships Undercover
00:35:33 - Scott’s Book “Code Name: Pale Horse”
00:44:55 - Infiltrating The Neo-Nazi Group “The Base”, White Supremacy
00:56:44 - Ignorance in Society & Culture, Fatherlessness
01:07:50 - Corrupt Justice System, Donald Trump, Good vs Evil
01:22:36 - Mass Shootings, Law Enforcement, Police Brutality
01:37:16 - FBI Involvement on Jan 6th, Closing “The Base” Investigation
01:54:20 - Making Neo-Nazi Arrests, The Rolling Stones Article
02:04:10 - The Process After Making an Arrest, Friendships After Cases
02:10:14 - Impact on Family, PTSD & Mental Health
02:16:47 - Strip-Searched While Wearing a Wire, Performing Under Pressure

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