Strict Voter Sig Verification In MI; No Mobile Absentee Voting In WI; No Males In Female Swimming

8 months ago

A Michigan Judge has ruled that a manual issued by the Secretary of the State that sought to change the rules about signature verification on Absentee Ballots is unconstitutional and against state law.

And the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the ruling that that use of a mobile van, that was used in Racine County, to collect votes, was unlawful.

Lia Thomas, the biologically male swimmer who identifies as a woman, lost his bid, to overturn the World Aquatics decision - dashing his hopes of competing as a woman in the Paris Olympics. The decision bans transgender swimmers, who have experienced male puberty, from competing in elite women’s races,

The FED has not lowered or raised interest rates,

but California raised the minimum wage to $20 for fast food workers, so the price for a burger, went through the roof..

And there is a simple way to improve, at anything. Do you know what it is?

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