ANOTHER Israel Gaza peace deal in the bin & AGAIN Biden is to blame

3 months ago

Right, so the Israeli three part peace plan – or at least it is Israeli according to the administration of Genocide Joe Biden, has fallen apart before it go anywhere really, as was expected, but also as surely as night follows day, the blame game is all fingers pointing at Hamas, for refusing to agree to it.
This has been a political charade from the get go. Israel never proposed a peace plan, the last thing Netanyahu is peace, he wants his total victory and now he’s lost the centrist elements to his coalition, as National Unity ministers quit his government over the weekend, he is even more swayed by the far right of his coalition who want to assimilate Gaza into the Israeli state and open it up to settlers, whilst getting rid of the Gazans to make room for them. Ethnic cleansing is what these maniacs want.
This peace plan was always an American invention, portraying it as Israeli even as Israel denied it was an attempt to divert blame for any issues from falling on Israel and now that it has inevitably fallen apart because Israel were never honest brokers in this deal, Hamas are the ones who still get blamed for it. The blame as ever most of all, needs to fall on Joe Biden, who no matter what, still it seems refuses to hold Israel to account for anything.
Right, so Joe Biden’s three point peace plan. It was always his plan and in truth it held promise even if, at least publicly, it was light on detail.
A ceasefire and phased release of hostages, followed by withdrawal of Israeli troops, get aid in, make the ceasefire permanent and rebuild Gaza. In essence that is what it was.
It was sold as Israel’s idea by the US and was taken to the UN Security Council, though even the mainstream media made it abundantly clear this was a US drafted resolution and fundamentally if it had been drafted by anyone else, given the US have vetoed every other attempt at a peace plan, it would have been vetoed again. Here’s an excerpt from the Independent on that vote:
‘The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a US-drafted resolution endorsing a ceasefire plan to end the eight-month war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza in three phases.
The Security Council also rejected any attempt at demographic or territorial change in the Gaza Strip, including any actions that reduce the territory of the Palestinian enclave, according to the resolution.
Hamas, its ally the Islamic Jihad group, and the rival Palestinian Authority of president Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the resolution which calls on Israel and the Palestinian militant group “to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition”.
The resolution was approved by an overwhelming majority with 14 of the 15 Security Council members voting in its favour, while Russia abstained, citing a lack of clarity.’
Well there wasn’t much clarity, there was no detail, but it would have moved things forward and even the Independent you will have noticed, and my reason this excerpt, stated that Hamas welcomed this news. You will not Israel was not mentioned as welcoming it because they haven’t.
There have been claims that the US would stop arming Israel if they didn’t agree to this plan, but for one, who believes for one second Biden and Blinken ever would and for two, if Netanyahu so much as breathes in the direction of a ceasefire deal that ends up with Gaza being left outside of their control again, his two far right coalition ministers Ben Gvir and Smotrich, will be out of the door and without them, his government and his power will collapse. Nothing trumps that right now, holding onto power is all that matters and in that vein, Israel cannot afford to stop this conflict and little effort is being made to force the issue, by the US, who have more sway on that score than anyone else, or the rest of the world, UN, or whoever.
Therefore some epic political contortionism has gone on. We began with Biden telling us Israel had called for a ceasefire, to which elements of that government said no we haven’t. Biden said he’d negotiated the ceasefire, he had the plan, but it was Israel’s plan really, to which Israel said no you haven’t and no it isn’t, there’s no agreement. Biden comes out with the ceasefire will begin soon, with Israel saying no it won’t, there is no ceasefire.
What is going on it seems to me, rather than any semblance of a ceasefire happening, is the US trying to move global narrative on who is at fault here, trying to get the blame back on Hamas and off Israel, getting Israel off the hook they’re on by their own genocidal actions, but with Gaza razed to the ground and 37,000 people in Gaza having been killed and counting, it is frankly insulting that the US are still trying to rehabilitate Israel’s reputation and I do something to base this line of thinking of mine on.
You see, as much as Hamas welcomed news of this ceasefire, this plan, they did want some guarantees from the US – they certainly weren’t buying this as having come from Israel anymore than anyone else was.
The first part of Biden’s three part plan was a 6 week ceasefire, during which there would be a phased release of some hostages. Hamas, wanted cast iron guarantees from the US over this, the US claiming Israel had agreed to the plan, despite in actual fact they very much hadn’t and haven’t.
Speaking via Egyptian mediators, Hamas asked for guarantees that the second phase of Biden’s plan, which would make the ceasefire permanent and initiate the withdrawal of troops from Gaza would happen autonomously, straight after the first 6 week long phase ended. That lack of clarity Russia cited at the UN Security Council, very much a legitimate concern, because Hamas had it too. Now this surely should have been an academic thing to off up, it would have been if I honestly believed the US were interested in a peace plan here, rather than rehabilitating Israel, helping to get Netanyahu off the hook, in the eyes of the global public, but there’s no chance of that. Instead, Hamas have come under attack by the US, which is not what you do, when you want someone to agree to a peace plan!
Secretary of State Antony Blinken, possibly the only member of Biden’s administration even more devoutly Zionist than he is, has accused Hamas of changing the deal, of changing the parameters, of making the plan unworkable. Now Biden had said, that if the first phase takes longer than 6 weeks, it could be extended and the implication is that Hamas have beef with this, but that is fudging matters, because they’ve asked for guarantees concerning the transition between phase one and phase two, not quibbled over the length of time phase one might actually take.
Instead of meeting these quite reasonable I think demands for guarantees, the US administration has accused Hamas of wrecking the peace plan, despite it having to be reiterated that Israel have not agreed to it and the only person who was saying as much, was Antony Blinken.
This triggered a scathing statement from Hamas themselves and as much as I feel the need at this point to reiterate that I do not support the atrocities committed by Hamas any more than I would what Israel has done, the statement they’ve issued pretty much nails matters and lays the finger of blame for the failure of a ceasefire to materialise at the feet of Biden and Blinken, who aren’t helping matters, they’re hindering them:
‘The Hamas Movement has demonstrated, in all stages of the negotiations to stop the aggression, the positivity required to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement based on the just demands of our people for a final cessation of aggression, a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, reconstruction and the conclusion of a serious prisoner exchange deal. Below, we clarify the Movement's positions towards proposals to stop the aggression:
First: Hamas has dealt positively and with national responsibility with the latest proposal and all proposals to reach a ceasefire agreement and release the detainees.
Second: The proposal that Hamas received from the mediators on May 5th was approved in announcement the very next day, as we delivered our response on May 6th, which was considered by the mediators and all parties to be positive and encouraging, while Netanyahu’s response to Hamas‘s agreement was to attack Rafah and escalate its aggression against our people throughout the Gaza Strip.
Third: The Movement clearly expressed its positive position on what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech on 31/5/2024 in which he called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction and an exchange of prisoners, while we only heard from the occupation government, led by the terrorist Netanyahu, emphasizing the continuation of the genocide war and attacking the proposal that came from President Biden, in contrast to the claim that the occupation had agreed to it.
Fourth: The Movement welcomed the Security Council resolution and its emphasis regarding a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, complete withdrawal from it, the exchange of prisoners, reconstruction, the return of the displaced to their areas of residence, the rejection of any demographic change or reduction of the area of the Gaza Strip, and the introduction of the necessary aid to our people in the Strip. The Movement confirmed its readiness to cooperate with the mediator brothers to enter into indirect negotiations on the implementation of these principles in line with the demands of our people and our resistance.
Fifth: In return for that, the world did not hear any welcome or approval from Netanyahu and his Nazi government to the Security Council resolution, but rather they continued to emphasize the rejection of any permanent ceasefire, in clear contradiction of the Security Council resolution and President Biden’s initiative.
Sixth: While Blinken continues to talk about “israel’s” approval of the latest proposal, we have not heard any “israeli” official speak of this approval.
Seventh: We consider the positions issued by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, through which he attempted to exonerate the zionist occupation, wash his hands stained with the blood of innocent children, women and the elderly, and hold the Movement responsible for obstructing reaching an agreement a continuation of the American policy of complicity in the brutal genocide war against our Palestinian people, which allows the occupation to continue its crime with full American political and military cover. In this context, we call on Mr. Blinken and the administration of President Biden to direct pressure on the fascist occupation government, which is determined to complete the mission of killing and genocide, in flagrant violation of all international laws and treaties.’
What do you think of their statement? Fair or unfair?
The US have always been on Israel’s side throughout this conflict and that isn’t changing. Instead of seeking peace, they are seeking rehabilitation for the genocidal regime and trying to get back to the point where it was Israel good guys, Hamas bad guys, when it has never that black and white, both have committed atrocities, one is an occupier of the others lands and somehow we’re supposed to believe they’re the righteous ones though? That ship has sailed.
Meanwhile, for as much as the UN have supported this peace plan, they’ve also chosen to blacklist the Israeli defence Force by including it on the annual list of nations and organisations known to cause harm to children in armed conflict. No matter your personal feelings with regards to what is happening in Gaza and Israel, children should never be seen to be at fault, though sadly many Israelis and the IDF clearly don’t think that way to end up on the list. Hamas are on it too though, making the Israeli complaints seem all the more profane. Get the details of this story on this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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