Prophet Amanda Grace - Crucial Prophecy -Trump Trial -Bait & Switch -Hook in Their Jaw - Captions

8 months ago

Join Amanda Grace as crucial prophecies unravel in the news headlines. A large Church leader steps down, something is hidden in the robes of the Supreme Court and justice is coming to the leaders of the 3 ring circus. Watch LIVE at 5 pm ET May 30th, 2024 as the Holy Spirit guides us through all that is taking place!

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


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-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
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Reawaken America we're coming to Detroit this is the showdown in Motown we're looking very forward to seeing all of you next week and meeting with you and talking with you so we're very excited about this we're looking very forward to being a part of this we thank Clay Clark and General Flynn very much for letting us be a part of that. Uh George Magazine event this August. I will be in Hot Springs, Arkansas for George Magazine live. I'm looking very forward to speaking at their event. U h so basically, it is August 10th and 11th. It's actually one week before my birthday. Uh give or take a day that we're going to be there and lastly, we have these amazing shirts. We are going to have them at Reawaken America. If you would like to get them then. But we have these amazing shirts. These baseball tees. Put on the full armor of God tees. Which we should be doing every day of our lives. We also have T shirts as well. And then we also have besides this this is a different design. Very nice design actually for putting on the full armor of God. And we also have the joy of the Lord tees. The Justice of Yahweh. So, we have these as well and we do, you can go on our website to purchase them and we also will have them at Reawaken America. Okay, that's it. Now, we're off and running guys. Okay. So, welcome to those who are jumping on during announcements. So, as we know deliberations have started in this hush money trial but there is a lot we have to look at that is happening now that what's happening now then points out the next part of the prophecy that now is to come okay if that makes sense so we're going to jump in immediately there's a lot of prophecy to go over so here it is Trump verdict live updates okay Oh so this just happened. Did this just happen? Oh my goodness. Breaking news everyone. Trump verdict live updates. Jury finds former President Trump guilty on thirty-four counts of falsifying business records in hush money trial. Now I have to say that we expected this and I'm going to say something right now about this. This is following suit for when I had worn last year we came into Rosh Hashanah the year 5784 last September on the Jewish calendar 5784 literally translates to the prison doors opening to Joseph okay so that's what it translates to 5784 the year we are in right now and I had sounded the alarm about this last year is the prison doors opening to Joseph so So for prison doors to open, they have to be closed first. So Joseph went to prison for being in the same room as Potiphar's wife but never touching her, being accused of an assault on her, he never committed being falsely accused, falsely judged, and sent to prison and the Lord positioned Joseph in that prison, dealt with him, and then opened those prison doors for Joseph to lead Egypt and at the same time helped rescue his own people from famine. So this is breaking news as we are on live that they have found President Trump guilty the jury on 34 counts of falsifying business records so I expected this I expected this I'm telling you given what the year 5784 is I expected this to happen this has to happen okay so we we know there's a two-tier justice system we know this is a trial of the American people as well this isn't just President Trump that was put on trial it was a trial of the American people and American people voting their conscience in 2016 and then what happened in twenty twenty. So this is basically not only a trial of the American people but it is a judgement of the American people by the high officials of this land who are not running a Department of Justice. They are running a Department of Corruption. And so basically look at all the people gathering now. Here it is. They're all gathering right now outside the court system. We also have to keep in mind that that statue last January 2023 looking like Ishtar Ashtareth was placed atop the New York City Corehouse. A golden statue before any of this took place the way the Arch of Baal was prematurely brought in before the 2016 election. So what I am telling you is you cannot look at what you see right now. You have to ask the Lord to show you his prophetic vision of what is happening right now. Don't look at what you see. Don't look at the physical right now and build your faith off of that. Ask the Lord for his vision, what he sees, his eagle eye view, his view of blocks of time that we cannot even see anywhere close to. This is what you need to ask the Lord for in this case because everything is not as it a peers. What do I mean by that? I mean there's the spiritual and there is the natural. So in the physical if this has happened, okay? That means there is very serious events taking place in the spiritual that are going to now begin to come to pass. But I had sounded the alarm about this last year. And the year 57 8-4 in the year we were coming into and that the prison Doors were had to do with prison doors opening to Joseph. So this verdict by the way also comes in within this fifty-day window between Passover and Shavot where the Jews were given the law on Mount Sinai. There was a fifty-day window between Passover and Shavaute. I'd I'd warned about two windows to watch. The 39 day window between Purim and Passover with the eclipse in the middle and then the 50-day window between Passover and Shavot. This comes literally at the end of May on the heels of what? Pride Month. This comes on the heels of us entering June which they have dubbed Pride Month and the word of God says pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a big fall. So, the fact that this is coming on the heels of that is accident. And this is a humbling. This is I I have warned about this. I had warned about this in multiple dreams about President Trump that there was going to be a very serious God was going to allow it for good. So basically the word of God says the Lord thy God works all things together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Not that all things are good. But he works it together for good. And he will work it together in this man's life. To be by God fully and in all humility. I am telling you he's going to work it together. So just pray for his family right now. With this because this is not easy to go through. You know people look at it from the outside in with with you know certain feelings and you know what? There is a family involved here. There is a teenage child involved here and we have to keep that in mind. So please pray for them. Now We really have to get into this prophecy. We really have to get into it this because this tithe lord thank you Jesus. This timing couldn't have been better for this broadcast. Not that I wanted to see that happen but I'm saying the lord set up the timing perfectly. So, if there is any breaking news on that, if President Trump comes out to speak and we want to maybe put the volume on if we can and play it. Uh our team will break in with that for you. Okay, so let's begin. We're going to go back to to 2019, we have to go all the way back almost five years in order to understand what is happening now. October 13th 2019. Hearing you cannot curse what God has blessed and those who do are having judgement rendered against them for attempting to turn the court of the Lord into a fanatical circus. Now you're going to see this common thread of circus and the news articles that follow. November 20 6 20 19. This is pre C19 by the way. These prophecies of 2019 are pre C19. Pre 2020 election. Okay. They are not the ring masters says the Lord. They are indeed the fools and the clowns. In a very convoluted charade that has been put on display to open the eyes wide of the people. And yanking up by the roof for all to see. The true motivation of these false excavations that the enemy's agents have taken part in a witch hunt where they shall now become the for dare attempting to hunt my children down and take them down says the Lord of hosts. How dare they the hunter shall now become the hunted. That was given back in twenty 19. This is happening now. Actually the hunter has become the hunted. Those headlines were carried worldwide. I believe two and a half years after this word was given. But what you see here now, right? It's a very convoluted charade that has been put on display to open the eyes wide of the people yanking up by the root for all to see. The true motivation of these false excavations. This is before any of this. This is 5 years ago. This word was given. Now, 1212 20 19. 12 has to do with government and rule. Biblically speaking. So this is December 12 20 19. Justice. The justice of Yahweh. Almighty God shall be branded upon capital then for all to see. Swift justice. Divine justice says the Lord of hosts is to the wicked. To the ring leaders of a three-ring circus that is all pump and no circumstance says the Lord. They shall be lifted up as in a tidal wave. Tidal T I T L E. A tidal wave. Thinking their locking of arms shall do them good. However I the Lord God am crashing that tidal wave down and breaking that chain says the Lord and there shall be breakouts. They shall break out suddenly squab and disagreement within the party and within Washington to break the agreement to weaken severely the enemy's power and his plans. As George Washington cut down the cherry tree or so the tail goes. I the Lord am taking an axe to the stump of these enormous disease trees that have attempted to suck all the oxygen out of the room and have attempted to grow over and snare my anointed my children who are trees planted by rivers of water that yield forth their fruit in its season whose leaves do not wither whatever they do shall prosper Psalm one the fruit is now coming to season says the lord I the lord have my sickle in hand called righteous judgement for I the lord and the righteous judge this is preci 19 December 12, 2019 and I'm going to continue I the lord God I'm taking the acts to the diseased stumps of these branded and entangled mess of these very crooked trees that grew in a winding and serpent-like fashion because their roots were drinking from the rivers of darkness and not of the living water of my capital word says the lord the sickle is the hook I the lord speak of in Ezekiel putting a hook in their jaw and I the lord am doing the same I have put the hook in the core of what drives them power control a thirst to oppress and depress in order to attempt to elevate their father devil. I the Lord have put a hook in their jaw and in their core and I'm leading them in their delusions and illusions while the axe is being taken to their stump. And soon timber that's capitalized shall be yelled. And the crash will be loud says the Lord. And send shock waves and fear amongst those who were doing their bidding. Who will now be caught. Watch for advertisers to walk more and more amongst the news that will be humiliated by the truth and the big story will be they are not reporting the news but propaganda as Hitler attempted to use to harm my children Israel says the lord look for that panic to ensue amongst those who have been the page boys and reporting dirt and mud thinking the people could not see through it oh the mud will be washed away and the entangled web exposed underneath pigs and livestock play in the mud says the lord and Therefore they shall be branded as such says the Lord of hosts this day. Now the axe and the sickle. Look for the country that touts this. Now this is interesting because it's an axe. It's a it's a hammer and a sickle. The Lord's calling it an axe and I think it's for good reason. A complete shift and breaking news will come forth as these countries are dealt with who have been in dirty dealings with bureaucrats in the US and abroad. The blood will be exposed on the hands of those who were deep in it for they serve mammon not me says the Lord. And mammon will turn them over. And turn on them as I drop the axe says the lord and mammon will hightail it out of there the coward that he is says the lord so this is from December 12, 2019 this word right what this word is pointing to is what we are we we are seeing actively happen and now what is to come now we're going to go to May twenty-fourth yes thank you lord we're going to go to May twenty-fourth 2023 because I'm doing this in a block here to show you the word coming coming over time. So, May twenty-fourth 2023, I the Lord thy God am protecting Israel for this time and what occurs shall turn things in the political arena more like a circus. There's the word circus again. Says the Lord. And send the clowns in the gestures and those that snarl shall be whipped to a corner says the Lord. Thus says the Lord. Do not ask for a king in your nation. Ask me for the one appointed to lead. Teetering on the edge of Saul's says the Lord battling in Instead of David's facing Goliath facing the Philistines, facing the pagan enemies that have blasphemed on altars in high places in your nation. Two unaltered rams says the Lord, must listen in this hour or they will tire themselves and the people out with more ramming than running the race, says the Lord. Thus says the Lord God, this is all capitals. What is sacred to me, they have violated. What is sacred to me, they have Defiled. And I the Lord thy God have allowed such occurrences for a season to fill their cup of iniquity to reveal onto the people so they call on almighty God the Lord of hosts. However they have touched and damaged what is sacred to me. And there is a wage for such. And those wages must be paid now says the Lord. And you shall see such occur the wage for their grave sins. For I the Lord thy God shall retrieve back when sacred to me, for the sake of covenant, for the sake of Israel, for the sake of my people who serve me. You shall give the covenant back says the Lord. It is not yours and the one who sits in the highest offices shall stumble in a bed of roses. As the eclipse of your White House begins. So the Lord's making it so this is this is the stumbling in the bed of roses supposed to happen after the eclipse. Okay so now this is time to look for this and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you know not. Fear not for I Am with you. Be not dismayed for I Am your God. Behold I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand says the Lord of hosts. You have Israel circus eclipse. This is back May twenty-fourth 20twenty3. Which means whatever would happen would happen with the White House and the stumbling in the bed of roses after the eclipse because Israel is mentioned first and the circus erupting in Israel and then it happening in the United States. And we saw what has transpired since that horrific attack October 7th twenty twenty-3 in Israel. Now I'm going to show you some articles one of them well we pulled all of them today. So but the titles are interesting. So let's show these articles Okay. Judgement Day looms for Donald Trump in New York. Now that's a very interesting title I believe. So that's what it says. Judgement Day looms for Donald Trump in New York. And it says Donald Trump who built a mystique as the brash epitome of power has never been more powerless to dictate his own fate. His reputation future and even perhaps the White House's destiny will be on Wednesday be placed in the hands of twelve government citizens of this native New York City proving that not even once in Possibly future commanders in chief are above the law. Now, the way CNN wrote this is very skewed but what I want you to pay attention to this. He has never been more powerless to dictate his faith because God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Where we are weak, he is strong. So, it's very interesting that was written that way because his strength is truly Trump family. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Where you are Weak, he is strong. Seven men, five women made up the jury, okay? Seven has to do with completion and five has to do with grace. Which means the grace period has to be completed. Okay, just keep that in mind. Second Corinthians twelve nine and he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you. For my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, most gladly, I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. I'm going to tell you, when you serve the lord, And we're told this in the word. And Jesus said it. The world will hate you because they hated him first. The world will hate you. Because they hated him first. Oh yeah. Now we have another article here. Because remember I told you remember the word circus and all those prophecies. Circus, circus, circus, circus kept coming up. Biden campaign's courthouse publicity stunt devolves into humiliating what? Circus spectacle. What did the law kept calling what was coming? A circus. Well, let's read. Joe Biden and his presidential campaign would be downright pitous if Biden himself were not so loadsome or if his presidency had been halfway competent. As it is, however, the attempt to pass off the eight-one-year-old president as the most effective Democrat for the job has descended into absolute farce. But even with a long list of disasters behind them, the Biden campaign's news conference Tuesday morning outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse where his rival former President Trump is on trial might have been the worst disaster yet. As the good folks on the social media platform X were quick to point out the whole affair was botched from beginning to end. By staging the event in front of the courthouse where Trump is facing charges of falsifying business records the Biden campaign gave the lie to the president's claims of neutrality regarding Trump's prosecution So basically it Biden campaign proved they are not neutral. They proved their motive right there. Further undermining those claims the campaign chose as its special guest actor Robert De Niro the once legendary actor now known for his vulgar tirades against the former president as well as two capital police officers Michael Fenone and Harry Dunn who helped spread the insurrection narrative because that's how they put it. They put in quotations about the January 6th, 2021 capital incursion. What did the word of the Lord say on twelve 12 nineteen? The sickle is the hook. I the Lord speak of in Ezekiel. Putting a hook in their jaw. And I the Lord am doing the same. I have put the hook in the core of what drives them. Power, control, a thirst to oppress and depress. In order to attempt to elevate their father the devil
You shall see open fighting amongst donkeys amongst elephants. But open fighting where they exposed the deepest things about each other no one ever saw coming says the lord of hosts. You shall see the unprecedented and unexpected happen in political races in your nation. You shall see those who walk with me when when it was broadcast, they would not, says the lord of hosts. I, the lord, am assembling the team, the spiritual team for the next leader, says the lord. I have called them by name to wake up and sound the alarm to the nation. Now, we see this happening now and I want you to pay attention to that legal flood because you shall see a legal flood the likes of which is not been seen in your nation. We have never seen anything like this in our nation. And what's the next thing? So once you see the legal flood, what happens next? You shall see the valleys where chips and tech is built be flooded with viruses and attacks and failures. The likes of which they have never seen. You shall see what you call social media take unprecedented hits. At the market in the square at the core of their programming. So now that the legal flood has happened. This is what to look for next because we also have the open fighting amongst donkeys and amongst elephants. Open fighting where They are exposing the deepest stuff about each other. They're just ripping it right there out in the open right now. So, this word that was given two years ago is happening now and I found a very interesting picture online to kind of show you prophetically what's going on and I'm going to show you this picture because This picture was before the 2020 election that this picture was put out but boy does it speak volumes now. If you look at this picture, the donkey is actually spewing into the mouth of the elephant. Where what the elephant is spewing is going right over the head of the donkey. Do you see that? So, what the elephant is doing, it's going over that of the donkey. What the donkey is doing is trying to go right into the mouth of the elephant and they're both in a ring. Like a circus ring. So, I just want you to take note of that because the way that picture was drawn is very interesting and it speaks volumes and I just wanted to put that up for you to show you basically a prophetic picture about that. Alright. Let's go to July 13th 2022. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. A root canal capitalized says the Lord. A root canal indeed says the spirit. For squabbles over canal shall break out as unusual events surround them and the waterways near them says the Lord. As there is a battle bubbling over for control of the ports says the Lord of hosts. Especially one in particular on the west and one in particular on the East Coast. Watch an attack on the ports. In some cases literally as odd occurrences with barges at sea shall occur. For their desperation as mounted to an alarming level as they are cornered. They have backed themselves into a corner says the Lord and now they shall be pinned on three sides says the Lord of hosts. A triangular trap of their own making says the Lord. Their feet shall now step into and ensnare them says the Lord. You serve a mighty God. Nothing is too difficult for me. However my children there is a time and a season for everything under heaven. And know your appointed time is approaching soon where there shall be an unexpected turn. And leadership emerge forth from it. That I the Lord have called for such a time. They are being molded, readied, and pruned right now to them for such. Pray for them as they emerge for it will shake the establishment and unnerve both parties. As their ring master of the circus they have so done is dethroned before the people. Thus says the Lord of hosts. In the name of Jesus Christ the King of Kings. Amen. Now it says in this word the first thing that had to happen. In some cases literally as odd occurrences with barges at sea shall occur. So that's the first thing that had to happen. What happened? The barge that hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge that caused it to collapse so that is one that happened it was struck by a barge the lord said odd occurrences with barges things you don't normally see this was definitely an odd occurrence and the bridge collapse from it now there might have been more foul play going on there as well but nonetheless the barge okay played a role in that now we also see some else that happened with barges recently because this word was given over two years ago and I'm pointing this out for a reason so we'll go to the other two that we have here because we have the Pelican Isle Island Bridge that was hit by a barge near Galveston. So this was May 16th 20 twenty-four. Bellican Island Bridge hit by a barge near Galveston company response. So that happened and then there it is. Nbc News reported that 26 barges broke loose and floated down the Ohio River here it is April 13th, 20twenty-four now that word was given over two years ago all of a sudden bam bam bam bam bam you see all these odd occurrences happening with barges Ohio right the Ohio River just to note Ohio is where the Democrats are having their convention and all these barges just break loose suddenly and float down the Ohio River now why this is important be Cuz in the first part of the word the Lord speaks about the odd occurrences with barges. That has happened. So what happens next? For their desperation as mounted to an alarming level as they are cornered. They have backed themselves into a corner says the Lord. And now they shall be pinned on three sides says the Lord of hosts. A triangular trap of their own making says the Lord. Their feet shall now step into and ensnare them says the Lord. And he says And know your appointed time is approaching soon where there shall be an unexpected turn and leadership emerge forth from it that I the Lord have called for such a time. They are being molded, readied, and pruned right now. Now this was back in 2022. To prepare them for such. Pray for them as they emerge for it will shake the establishment and unnerve both parties as their ring master of the circus they have so done is dethroned before the people. Now We are watching this picture emerge right now. So the barge had to happen first. The barge happened. Now the second part of this word is now beginning to come to pass. So just keep that in mind because many times when events go bam bam bam in a word. When the first event happens and you gotta look for the second event then you have to look for the third event to happen. Okay. August 2nd 2022. And says the Lord of hosts. Now this is important. This word is very important. Bait fish to catch a larger. Bait fish indeed have been thrown out for a catch. Oh they are chumming the water says the Lord. And I the Lord God as you oh leaders who have been stolen from. I the Lord your God will order your steps. I shall reveal the blueprint but you must listen. That's capitalized. So you do not capital get caught in deep waters. That's capital. As the temptation is there says the Lord of hosts. For there are those lurking in the deep seeking an occasion to take out entire family lines says the Lord of hosts. They are seeking an occasion to throw out their nets for a catch and pin the people down as they poke and prod them as cattle says the Lord of hosts. For all the shuffling is being brought to the surface. As even a garland shall lose their prestige. For the deals they made, the blood that was shed and the refuse that was created from such foolish sloppy policy says the lord of hosts this day and says the spirit of the lord this day your hope is in the lord my children your hope is in the lord your God put your hope in capitals my plans for there shall be a surprise with the presidency as well as I Am humbling those through events in their lives okay this is back August 2nd, 2022 that this word is given What does it say? For there shall be a surprise with the presidency as well as I Am humbling those through events in their lives to allow me to now mold their heart and their life and breathe faith back into a spirit that was once hardened and puffing like a bull. I the Lord am taking those hearts of stone and creating hearts of flesh and the humble shall come forth out of the boaster says the Lord. For I Am breathing my spirit into their marriages into their children into their lives. This is happening right now because we have never had a president convicted like this of crimes and gone after as political prey in a bait fish to catch a larger witch front witch hunt three-ring circus nonsense that we're seeing. This is actively happening right now. This was almost two years ago. This word when it was given. We're going to continue. Praise the lord. Same August 2nd, 2022 and says the spirit of the lord this day I Am making an announcement blow the trumpet says the lord and says the spirit here's the holy spirit when the lord makes an announcement the spirit delivers it hear you this day the inhabitants of the earth the lord strong and mighty shall come in with a rushing wind and knock over the soap boxes of the leaders boasting against him in this time this is your warning now to cautiously descend off your soapbox and humble yourselves before the lord For your feet shall be kicked out from under you. Your AI shall fail and your swabs shall fall. By the way, Breaking News Cloud Schwab is stepping down as head of the World Economic Forum by twenty twenty-five after over 50 years. Cuz 50 is the Jubilee. There has to be a changing of the guard. Okay. As I the Lord of dealing with two generations of those who think they are untouchable whom the enemy has deceived into thinking such. Hear this day oh those who love to hear them speak about ramblings of tech and body that are blasphemous to me. Here this day you shall lose your luster and all you have mustered and all the confusion you have brought shall bring you down in a whirlwind of events as you have rejected me. The Lord I have in this hour rejected you. And handed you over to be sifted by the very ones who placed you in your seat. Turn now says the Lord for this rushing wind shall be Begin at the end of August into September says the Lord of hosts this day. Now all capitals. A bold unexpected move coming out of Oklahoma. Coming out of Texas. Coming out of Virginia. Coming out of Maine. Coming out of Wisconsin says the Lord of hosts as it may not make sense for a moment but it will in my time my children. My time not yours says the Lord of hosts. Now the National Republican Convention. Is being held in Wisconsin. What did the Lord say? There was a bold unexpected move coming out of Wisconsin. And the Republican National Convention this year is in Wisconsin. So watch for that now. Watch this because this is going to begin to reroute because the Lord had said we can't go the same way we went before. We have to go a new way. Now that means maybe carving out a new path and not going the same way that they have gone before sending someone down just a different path. So we will see. Now also to note the Lord said the swabs plural. So watch Klaus Schwab's son. As well. Cuz he said shwabs of this world shall fall. So I would just watch for the sun and what happens with the sun also. Okay. September 13th 2022. A time to rise up and a time to fall. There shall be a string that attaches strategic falls in this hour says the Lord and says the Lord of hosts. Rosh Hashanah says the Lord one of the most strategic and pivotal falls and removal shall take place during this time. For a dark horse is coming forth and leadership shall be overthrown and challenged. One shall even be a coup and reported as such. A political coup so strategic in its planning and timing that you you shall see leaders around this country I the Lord speak of you shall see them fumble their words and visibly quake for the winds of change are blowing across Europe says the Lord. The winds of change have begun to go forth in the United States of America. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. The bell shall ring. The hour shall reach midnight where you see a large shift in positions in this nation. For elections shall not be such. For elections shall not be such. For sticky fingers shall be caught before the elections and arrest made says the Lord of hosts that will further drive the people. To take a stand and areas of blue shall turn red. But capital. Not the mixed shade of red that has blue streaks running through it says the Lord. All capitals but red. A red flag, a red flag says the Lord of hosts. Just watch for not only this nation but a large red flag to occur in your nation that gives away their position as a group of three shall fall says the Lord of hosts. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. They may attempt to arrest says the Lord. However capitals I the Lord of hosts shall arrest them. A mobile says Lord. They shall be made a mobile, a sick bed of their own making, says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, the time of the shofar, the time of the trumpet, says the Lord. There shall be complete upheaval in Israel. This came to pass because this was given in mid September 2022 and in October, early October 20 twenty-three right after Rosh Hashanah, there was Complete upheaval in Israel. So this part came to pass and it goes on. As it is indeed a new year and a new way shall be made for a new capital leader to arise in Israel assisted by one familiar with that seat. Now this was back in 2022. As lightning strikes in Israel shall hit in key capital areas as well as unusual pressure and weather that shall indicate what is moving in the spirit. As I the Lord thy God am getting ready to completely cut open the end trails of their government and spill out and flush out what has been impacted capital and blocking what I the lord God have decreed and written on a scroll and sent it into the earth into Israel says the lord of hosts and that scroll has been read by the holy angels and the instruction is being carried out as I the lord thy God am causing a crack in the brotherhood that is a grip on Israel there shall be a crack and then total division as they turn on each over the slightest comments that shall be made. That whole reason Hamas attacked was because Israel mentioned they were getting red heifers brought to Israel. So just keep that in mind. The spark that ignites the fire says the Lord of hosts and my holy fire capital is set to burn near the temple mount says the Lord of hosts. What man would call strange occurrences will occur around the temple mount as a sign that what lies underneath the shifting and there shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location as even the wailing wall shall lose peace as an indication that I the lord am tearing down the stronghold that they have built and those who have turned on their own people who are stealing the silver and the gold who have been moving it from vaults into another neighboring country shall be caught red-handed capital says the lord of hosts. Watch and see as these things come forth and are being brought to pass. Now, the upheaval in Israel happened. So now, the rest of this Is set to happen and it goes on. Alright, this is from September 13th 2022. The word goes on and says the spirit of the lord this day, the papers will not capital be in order. The cords of the wicked shall be frustrated. Their brief shall be frustrated. Their cases shall not be in order and shall be missing key documentation and as they push more and more to bring forth an indictment, it shall turn and that indictment shall fall upon members of the Department of Justice as it is so named and I the lord thy God have sent holy angels to write the word justice is served capitals upon the doorposts and areas where those attempting to hunt down not only political opponents but ones who have seen what they are doing and it has been written above the posts and the doors and the control rooms and the legal areas and now I shall send my angelic army forth to look for that writing and where it resides, those shall be struck, removed, sudden retirement, and sudden falls from positions shall occur and I the Lord am sweeping my justice capital through the Department of Justice and you shall see an emergency at the Pentagon as their plans for an even greater terror to the American people and those speaking truth fall short and the Pentagon is shifting says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. Yam Kippur the day of atonement. All capital says the Lord. Another leader strategically connected within much of Europe shall fall in complete scandal and disgrace as the time of grace has thinned and a changing of the guard is occurring worldwide says the Lord of hosts. Now on last the last broadcast we did I warned that a once in a century comet will be visible the evening before Yom Kippur once in a century they're calling it will be visible the evening before Yom Kippur which begins October 11th, 20twenty-four so I explained about June and October it's the last broadcast we did remember the last broadcast we did I talked about this devil comet mother dragon comet showing up in June and then this comet this once in a century comet showing up in October the night before Yom Kippur now why is that because the devil tries to come in first and get his agenda in first. This a comet this devil comet is going to be visible in June. What just happened? This conviction on the heels of June. We are literally one day away from going into June. This comet will be visible in June called the Devil Comet because the devil tries to come in first to steal, kill, and destroy but what happens if the devil tries to prematurely come in tries to steal, kill, and destroy but you have atonement and judgement which comes in October because this comment is showing up the night before Yom Kippur which has to do with the day of atonement. It's showing up within the 10 days of awe which is a trial between Rosh Hashanah and Yam Kippur on the Jewish calendar where then it must be judged and atone for. So, first the devil tries to come in and then comes the judgement for what he did. So just keep that in mind right now with what you see happening. Okay. We're going to go on here. Still September 13th, 2022 this word. My instruction is most crucial in this hour, says the Lord, not bravado capitals. The bravado shall smooth its tone and delivery as I the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way. And they may attempt to surround and indict and fight. However I the Lord am breaking their ring and a way of deliverance shall be executed miraculous. Those around these leaders think they know or they are in the know. Capital. However if they are not seeking me about such matters they are truly in the dark. And the devil will take potshots at such as even the most brilliant strategist will not see the way I the Lord thy God shall make. For only those seeking me capitals to see what I see shall see.

For this is beyond election says the Lord. Far beyond the elections. For they not only desire to fix capital this nation in their favor. But capital key countries of resource and influence around world. Now, I'm going to show you this because this is part of this fixers, right? They're going to try to fix it. They're going to try to do things to fix it. Now, There is an article I want you to pay close attention to that just came out. It came out this article the day before the verdict. So this news broke the day before this verdict that just was now breaking news a little while ago of President Trump being found guilty on all thirty-four counts.

Okay? Now this says Democrats plan 100 million dollar abortion rights campaign in bid to regain house majority. Democrats House Majority PAC is planning a $100 million dollar investment in advertising in voter mobilization the fixers focused on abortion rights as many in the party look to the issue to energize voters and win back control of the lower chamber in November the reproductive freedom accountability fund will be spent in swing district in swing districts nationwide according to a new memo and work to increase voter outreach In key house races where there aren't competitive presidential or senate primaries on the ticket. To add to this I'm just going to say apparently Biden was at a pro-abortion event making the sign of the cross. So apparently he went to a pro-abortion event and the man was this is reprobate territory but I'm going to say something about this. This news broke about what they plan to do the day before this verdict came down. This has nothing to do with mobilizing voters as much as it has to do with try to make sacrifices to shed innocent blood to try to gain power and take power in a nation that has a covenant that is not theirs amen this is what this has to do with that Ishtar golden statue atop the New York City Courthouse and Ashtareth having to do with fertility and divine law and that sucker was placed on the New York City Courthouse before all of this happened and now they are mobilizing to do this. Evil. Because they want the shedding of innocent blood because even Satan knows there's power in the blood. It's just not the blood of Jesus Christ. And they're trying to do this now to increase voter outreach. They are putting all of their resources into abortion and there is a reason for that. They're putting a lot of it right now into that. Not issues right now that should be not to say abortion shouldn't be paid attention to but there it is. There's that statue. There she is. Do you know what the New York Times headline was when that statue is put up? Move over Moses. There's a new female law giver in town. That's what the headline read. But They're trying to do this to distract from the darkness from the abyss of hell that is coming across our borders and they're trying to do this and mobilize voters in a different direction while shedding innocent blood so they can gain some power in the process but they want to steer voters to have tunnel vision about abortion and now it's oh my body my choice. Oh I see that didn't work with the certain inoculations that were put out there during C nineteen. Suddenly my body my was oh no you can't use it for that. Yes, it's your body and your choice to keep your legs closed. How about that? But they're trying to give them tunnel vision into something that's going to shed something to give them power and steer everybody's vision away. From the vast corruption from the slavery the Democratic Party has enacted against the African American community. They put them right back on the plantation. Don't get yourself. From the hell that is coming across our borders, from the inflation, from the enormous national debt, and from other nations who serve foreign gods that are hostile to almighty God who want to try to come in and take over and puppeteer our politicians. Yes, they are trying to steer you away from all of that. This is why we have to pay close attention to the prophecy, to what they're attempting to do, ultimately to the word of God because that is revealing and then you will see things you never saw before. November 23rd 2022. For I the Lord in this hour am shaking the thin paper doll leaders. No substance thin and frail in their spirits. Those covers shall be removed says the Lord for they are brushed to the side. Their first love for a name that is not mine says the Lord. It is not mine. And that standard I Am so raising is the plumb line being dropped to measure the worthiness of leadership in the church. In the government. In sectors. The plug line is being dropped hard and fast on the giants of social media. For it shall take one simple stone. What does not look dangerous but shall collapse parts deep within their empires including the mainframe says the Lord. All capitals. The mainframes are losing their power says the Lord. TikTok TikTok all the way to the far east shall suffer such a collapse at its core at the head of a company across the globe it shall shock the far east. It shall shock those in this nation. It shall shake and rattle the entire arena of social media that persecutes for sport. That spirit of Rome woven within it. A digital arena of persecution and propitiation says the lord. Watch and see it's coming. This was November 23rd 2022. So, what you have to pay attention to is when one event happens in this prophecy, the other part's going to happen. What is Well we're going to show you what's happening with TikTok because that means we have to watch for the other part to happen now. Because there was a bill passed. Biden signs a bill that could ban TikTok after the 20twenty-four election. How convenient? They'll use it till the twenty twenty-four election and then ban it. The legislation gives TikTok's China based parent company which is Bite Dance nine to 12 months to sell or be banned in the US ensuring the app will remain active through the fall campaign. How convenient to use it and then ban it. How convenient? Now the this is happening. Okay? Because now you gotta watch for Bite Dance to suffer a collapse. Now you gotta watch for the company that's got TikTok right now to suffer a collapse. Okay? So you have to watch for that or at least a partial one. But we have to watch for the first part now. Now that we see this all forming with TikTok. For I the Lord in this hour am shaking the thin paper doll leaders. No substance thin and frail in their spirits. Those covers shall be removed says the Lord for they have brushed to the side their first love for a name that is not mine says the Lord. It is not mine and that standard I Am so raising is the plumb line being dropped to measure the worthiness of leadership in the church in the government in sectors. The plumb line is being dropped hard and fast on the giant of social media. Okay. That is the part we have to look for now. Shaking the paper Thin the thin paper doll leaders in this time. That's what we look for right now. That standard and that plumb line and the complete shaking of them in this time because the part with TikTok is now happening. So then you have to look for the other part to come to pass now that we see that happening. Okay. March 17th, 2023 and the spirit of the lord says this day as the name of my son Jesus Christ moves and echoes across the nation the opposition is yelling in dite in dite now remember this is over a year ago this word as they yell in dite and the spirit of oh as they yell and hold on one second here oh here it is I'm sorry it came up twice and the spirit of the lord says this day as the name of my son Jesus Christ moves and echoes across the nation the opposition is yelling in dite in dite as they yell in dite in dictate it shall be an indictment against them says the lord and their true motive shall emerge and their true motives apparent I shall come forth as they yell in dike with chains says the lord I the lord thy God am the chain breaker for those who humbly and earnestly come unto me says the lord and bear the yoke of my capital kingdom says the lord and says the lord of hosts those who have sought to take from my capital children those who have sought to drain them of what I have blessed them with for their obedience you shall stumble in your disobedience says the Lord. For your harvest has come up and many tears have intertwined around the wheat. And you shall not have a plentiful harvest for taking from my children. For the wheat is sparse and you shall be humbled and brought low. For you shall not speak against my capital servants. My servants that's capitalized. Who have served me while you have so rebelliously walked in sabotage, destruction, and willful slander in order to plough over and get your way says the Lord. However, it shall not be your way, all capitals, but my way, and I, the Lord, shall decide what becomes of you. For you have attempted to rob my children and turned a deaf ear to me walking around in your kingdom of pride and entitlement that you have built. And says the Lord of hosts, that kingdom of yours built on sand and offense shall begin to be torn down today, says the Lord. However, a fall off a high sea shall leave those unable to continue in their half charade. Bait and switch. Bait and switch says the Lord. Indite and switch at the same time. This shall be attempted says the Lord. I'm going to stop here for a minute. This is super important. Bait and switch. Indit and switch. So as the time of the trial around the time of the trial bait and switch. Watch for this. They're looking for occasion now. Now that they've got all the media attention on Trump being found guilty with these 34 counts, which this was a kangaroo court to begin with and everyone was compromised in it but now that the attention is on that watch for a bait and switch. They're going to try to do this and they're going to try to do this soon. New England says the Lord. There shall be capitals a new England. There shall be in the area of the Northeast. And there shall be a renewal of England across the ocean says the Lord. The parliament shall fall on itself and a complete overhaul will be needed as the people in England will become so restless. They will flood the streets demanding change. A sea of people says the Lord. The fear will turn into a burning desire for change says the Lord. There shall be a renewal out of England and a move of God that will be historic. Watch the timing of such. Now, the Prime Minister of England has just called for an election July fourth. Why is this so prophetic and important? Because our Independence Day of the Freedom from the tyranny of England is July 4th and now England has called for an election July 4th facing their own tyranny. So just keep watch of this because this is all happening within the same window. Okay? Uh this happening with England and the Prime Minister calling for this. Um the trial and what's happening here. This $100 million dollar abortion push. They're all happening within the same window of time. Now there it is. Yep. Thursday July 4th. Our Independence Day. They have called for an election. I do not think that's a mistake. I do not think that's a coincidence. I think that's highly prophetic. Okay. We're almost done here. April 28th 2023. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. This election cycle that is coming upon you. This is over a year ago. This word. Shall be the most baffling, shocking, and head scratching that has occurred. There shall be unexpected surfacings and there shall be a parting of parties and independent shall rise who do not want to be chained to either the marching elephants or the backbiting donkey says the Lord. Behold into neither side. There shall be capitals a deep gap and split and civil war within one party. A gaping hole says the Lord. Including in a monument. What a spectacle says the Lord. What did that article of Biden's little rally outside the courthouse call it? A circus spectacle. Biden campaign's courthouse publicity stunt develops into humiliating circus spectacle. What a spectacle says the Lord. And the spirit of the Lord says this day. Where are the righteous judges says the Lord. Where are the righteous judges? Tears and robes says the Lord. Tears and robes. I the Lord am the righteous judge. I sit on the highest throne and I rule in righteousness. And I the Lord hold the scrolls of justice that go into the earth. And in this hour says the Lord the judges who have met with the with the justice department behind doors who have met to attempt to fix capital trials who have met to bring indulgences before the judges in order to falsely tip their scales before ever hearing the case. Those judges I the Lord am exposing in this hour. Their nakedness shall be exposed says the Lord. What they have hidden under their robe shall be exposed. Their written agreement shall be exposed to skew national cases. Including a justice in the Supreme Court that will step down in scandal says the Lord and another shall be exonerated says the Lord. For in this hour the righteous judges those who truly owe the standard of the law will be exonerated. Will be lifted up will be honored, vindicated. Justice is coming to them in this season with a scroll of redemption. And justice as well in this season is coming with a scroll that contains the wage for their sin. For partnering and being tied by a garland. A pact in order to take down who is a threat to them. That garland string and all attached to it by their finger shall be exposed. Watch for this because this was April 28th, 2023 before any of this and here it is. Merrick Garland under pressure to investigate Judge Juan Merchant. This news broke today. Isn't it interesting it broke before the verdict. But this news broke today about this. US Attorney General Merrick Garland is under pressure by Senator JD Vance and Ohio Republican and Donald allies who investigate Judge Juan Merchant who is presiding over the former president's New York City criminal trial. There's something else too. Do you know this judge was cautioned by the ethics panel? He was cautioned by the ethics panel. Judge in Trump Hushmany trial received a letter of caution for making 35 dollars in political contributions to Democratic candidates. So basically this says a state ethics panel quietly dismissed a complaint last summer against the New York judge presiding over the criminal trial of Donald J Trump issuing a warning over small donations the judge had made to groups supporting Democrats including the campaign of Joseph R Biden. So this judge made a contribution to Biden's campaign. And even though it was a measly contribution the ethics panel quietly dismissed it. Gee I wonder why. Because that would be a conflict of interest. Which should mean he shouldn't be presiding over the case. This is why the Lord just said what he said April 28, 2023 about tears in robes having to do with judges and those who have met with the Justice Department to fix trials and have taken their indulgences are going to be exposed and a string is going to tie them right to a garland. Watch for all of this now in that Supreme Court Justice to step down and scandal because all of this is happening now. These prophecies go back five years. Five years and we're seeing it all come to a crescendo now and all come to a head and the people of God need to intercede for this nation right now they need to intercede because they are trying to get the devil in there first to steal kill and destroy before the judgement and the atonement comes those comets are a sign of who was going to get in there first so since this devil comet comes in June the devil was going to try to get in there first and this verdict come on the heels of June which is Pride Month. A warning to the Department of Justice, the White House, and all those high officials. Pride cometh before destruction in a haughty spirit before a very large fall. So I'm cautioning that because I'm watching these events and how they are lining up and happening. And it is pointing to what's coming. But we need to be in prayer right now and trust the Lord in his will and his plan and doing it his way. Not our way. Amen. Not the way we think he should do it in the nation. Not the path we think he should go down but his way. His in what matters right now because you have highly wicked people in high places trying to offer sacrifices to Baal and Ashtareth and every other foul spirit that's got territory in the nation because they think that's where their wind is going to come from but that fall in the bed of roses is coming and it's coming soon. So, I would be in prayer, listen for the lord, listen for what he has to say right now because that is what is the most important. What the lord has to say. This is what's the most important that we trust him. We don't trust junk and tell. We don't trust people all the time that just says, God has it, God has it, God is in control. Let me tell you something, honey. If you done took that wheel away from God and drove that sucker into a ditch. God's not in control at the moment. You took that position away and made yourself God and acted like you know better. We as the church have a choice right now. Do we rise up and bear the standard? Or do we buckle? Cuz half the church has bowed to the song of the serpent. They face the tree of knowledge of the good and evil and they failed. And let me tell you, it doesn't take a majority to defeat evil. It takes a faithful minority partnering with God and what he wants to do to defeat evil. That's what it takes. Doesn't have to be a majority and has to be a faithful minority partnering with God and willing to go where he wants you to go. So, we're rallying the troops right now. Armor up according to Ephesians six. Get your armor on. Get in your word. Start speaking it. Because it goes into the realm of the spirit and it affects the natural. Because right now the prophets of Baal are out in the airwaves. And those prophets of intel are out in the airwaves right now speaking stuff that is sending people down into the darkness of rabbit holes and not propelling them towards God and a deeper relationship with him no more cold porridge sour milk stale bread and old wine because that's what many are being fed and that's why they're losing hope That's why because they're being fed that by people who are using it to string them along to keep their platforms going and let me tell you something, the lord's going to put a stop to that because he has dropped the greatest plumb line ever between the showman and the shepherds and in this hour, it's going to matter. Amen. It's going to matter. So, you need to equip yourself. God equips us with every good and perfect gift which comes from above. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down the destruction of strongholds are battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and the spiritual hopes of wickedness in heavenly places.

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