Article 4881 Video - Comment to All Comers - Monday, June 10, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4881 Video - Comment to All Comers - Monday, June 10, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever since we began the bilateral banking initiative there have been nay-sayers and infiltrators and greedy-guts aplenty. Despite all that, we have built one of exactly three (3) systems that are more-or-less competent to provide transaction services that everyone will need simply to stay alive.

More-or-less I say, because every system is not equally suitable for every use.

Our bank system is built for people and small businesses, not corporations.

We fully admit and acknowledge that it is understaffed and that the growth curve is exponential so that we are always struggling to train new people and the current staff is always overworked.

That said, we do the best we can with a bad situation and keep on trucking.

There are some people who have been blocked. In every instance that I have investigated those same people asked that their accounts be closed at some prior juncture.

Their accounts were closed, their deposits were returned, and now, they want to "reopen" accounts that no longer exist.

It's their own fault that they no longer have a Global Account and their own fault that they have to go back through the whole process and do it over and wait their turn at the back of the line.

There are also quite a number of people who have changed their email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses or other data, who are waiting for their accounts to be updated --- and some who have forgotten their passwords and Usernames, so that those have to be updated, too.

Please be aware that whether the data correction is your "fault" or not, it still has to be done and someone besides you still has to do it.

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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