Article 4877 Video - International Public Notice: Clarification About Bankruptcies By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 4877 Video - International Public Notice: Clarification About Bankruptcies - Sunday, June 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

No actual, physical, sovereign country can go bankrupt. It's not even possible. Such an entity is, by definition, not eligible for bankruptcy protection and enjoys state immunity, instead.

All this talk about "American being bankrupt" now or at any time in the past is nonsense.

The only entities that have gone bankrupt are foreign corporations operating under deceptively similar names: the United States (Incorporated), the United States of America (Incorporated), The United States of America (Incorporated).... and so on.

These foreign corporations have been supported by their own foreign citizenry --- British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States.

When their own credit was shot and they'd spent the inheritances of these poor souls, the Principals responsible, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, the British Monarchs, and the Popes acting in their "Other Office" as the Roman Pontiff, came up with an identity theft scheme to redefine Americans as members of their foreign citizenry--- and access our credit, too.

They did the same thing in Europe, Japan, the former Commonwealth countries, Iraq, Libya, South Korea.... everywhere the British Raj could float a boat.

They operated offshore in Territorial Jurisdiction, Puerto Rico here, Norfolk Island (Australia), the Mariana Islands (Japan), Taiwan (China and Southeast Asia), Isle of Mann (Britain), and so on.

They used various excuses for their piracy and fraud.

They told the world that our lawful American Government was "missing, in interregnum, absent, presumed lost" -- as confirmed repeatedly by Karen Hudes and reported by the American Native delegates at the United Nations.

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